Parole Libere: Italian Poetry Contest Award Ceremony
Italian Poetry Contest Award Ceremony
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Parole Libere is a Festival of Italian Poetry in Canada organized by the Italian Cultural Centre in Vancouver, BC. It is open to all those who love the Italian language: from childrento elders, from beginner students to native speakers. This event will be a meeting point for amateur and professional writers, language instructors and anyone who loves Italian poetry and culture. It will be an opportunity to understand what poetry is, how to read it, and how creative writing happens.
The first edition’s theme is Avvicinamenti(“Gatherings”). In times of social distancing and border closures, the Festival’s events will explore how poetry can help us reconnect with one another.
The Festival consists of two cultural offerings: a series of virtual events featuring poets and poetry experts, and an Italian poetry contest.
The Events
The Festival’s goal is to promote the creative use of the Italian language. For this reason, Il Centro will offer three events discussing how to read and write poetry. These events will help the contest participants write their work by giving them useful tools to express themselves through poetry.
The Contest
The Festival’s main event is a creative writing contest.
We will accept compositions submitted from January 29 to April 11, 2021. We will provide additional details on how to submit your work during the Festival’s inaugural event onJanuary 28, 2021.
The contest is divided into two streams:
- CHILDREN & YOUTH STREAM, open to Italian language students age 8 to 16. Compositions can be on any subject, and we encourage teachers to propose a theme linked to class activities. We will evaluate works based on the author’s age, and we will assign two prizes:
- Best Poem 8-11 years old.
- Best Poem 12-16 years old.
- ADULT STREAM, open to authors 17 years old and up. This section follows the Fest’s theme, “avvicinamenti.” We will assign two prizes in this section:
- Best Poem by a Beginner to Intermediate Student (levels A1 to B2).
- Best Poem by an advanced or native speaker. First Prize:a subscription to the Devoto-Oli digital vocabulary
Submission Requirements
The Festival accepts compositions on Word or PDF no longer than one page and 11 pt asminimum font size. A jury will evaluate the works, and they will publish shortlisted ones on theFestival’s website. Prizes will be assigned during the Fest’s closing event on May 15, 2021.
Send Submissions to italianpoetryfestival@gmail.com
Interested in Improving Your Italian?
Vancouver Italian Language school, language subsidiary of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West, has helped hundreds of enthusiasts like you speak, write, and communicate effortlessly in Italian. Click on the link below to learn more or contact Sonia at school@iccbc.com.
See What Our Students Think of Our Classes:
“I thoroughly enjoyed the Beginners 1 course … I especially appreciated the emails sent summarizing what was taught during the preceding class and concerning homework – these were very helpful and beyond what I have experienced in taking other language courses with other educational providers”.
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[button size=” style=” text=’Website of Parole Libere Festival’ icon=’fa-globe’ icon_color=” link=’https://italianpoetryfestival.wordpress.com’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=’right’ margin=’auto’]
Please Note: The contest jury reserves its right not to assign prizes if they judge works asnot in line with the Festival’s mission.