“UP FOR IT!” – Join our Mentorship program! (Deadline for applications is March 13th. 2017)

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is launching a mentoring program to encourage the exchange of managerial experience on international markets among professionals with Italian roots and entrepreneurs based in Italy.
The program intends to support the international growth of companies in Italy.
We are currently looking for professionals with qualified international background willing to experience a new challenge as Mentors !

The deadline for applications is MARCH 13TH, 2017

Find out how to become a mentor HERE !

Breakfast Series: Capitalizing on Free Trade Agreement Export Markets (Burnaby, November 10th)

Are you a Food Manufacturer or Processor based in Western Canada?
Grow your business through export!

From 2010 to 2015, over 80% of the growth in the food and beverage sector in BC has been in food manufacturing exports.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West, in partnership with the EU Chamber of Commerce in Canada West, BCFPA and BC Ministry of International Trade is organizing the event BREAKFAST SERIES – CAPITALIZING ON FREE TRADE AGREEMENT EXPORT MARKETS.
Join us on November 10th (7:15AM – 10:00AM) to learn more about the current opportunities to expand your market to Europe!!!

For more information and to register, please click on the following link:


ITALIAN DESIGN IN VANCOUVER – Call for designers and retail stores

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West, in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver, is pleased to present an initiative: “Italian Design in Vancouver”.

The initiative has been developed on the occasion of the 16th edition of “The Italian Language Week in the World” (October 16th-23rd, 2016) in order to put an emphasis on Italian design in Vancouver and to give greater visibility and recognition to those businesses operating in the metro Vancouver area which promote Italian design

The main output of the project is the creation of an online platform – a dedicated website – that will host an interactive map of the Italian design in Vancouver. The map will highlight all participating retail, wholesale and other professional establishments in the Metro Vancouver area that sell and/or promote Italian design brands. They will be proclaimed by the Consul General of Italy the “Italian Design Ambassadors in Vancouver” and will receive a stylish dedicated storefront banner or plaque.

The activities and products of every participating business establishment will be described on the dedicated website and on all project related promotional materials (such as brochures, posters, flyers, etc.) as well as advertised by our local media partners and through both, Italian Consulate’s and Italian Chamber’s websites and social media outlets.

Please find a presentation and more details about this initiative by clicking HERE.

And if you wish to register for this exciting project, please click HERE.

HOMI 2016 – Call for buyers and exhibitors!

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West, in collaboration with Fiera Milano, would like to invite you to participate in HOMI – THE LIFESTYLE TRADE FAIR, an international trade show that will take place in Milan, from September 16th to 19th, 2016.

HOMI – THE LIFESTYLE TRADE FAIR discusses lifestyles, multi-cultural themes and the well-being of the people and their environment. The trade fair includes 10 different areas (the satellites), that embrace the contemporary individual in all his/her life dimensions and describe 10 visions of the latest trends in the home and lifestyle sector. satellites

165,000 Italians and International operators visited HOMI’s 2015 editions, including 2,910 top International buyers! These data confirm the success of one of the largest and best known fair in the world, for number and quality of exhibitors, showcased product, visitors and represented markets.

Grow your business with HOMI!


For more information on HOMI – THE LIFESTYLE INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR and its different sectors you can browse the show’s website HERE.

Contact the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West to learn more about the exclusive rates and package services dedicated to our members.

You can write to Ilaria at ilaria@iccbc.com or call us at 6046821410.


TUTTOFOOD 2017 – Call for buyers and exhibitors!


The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West, in collaboration with Fiera Milano, is glad to invite you to participate in the event Tuttofood Night that will take place in Paris on Oct 18th, 2016 at 8pm at a wonderful venue, the Ciel de Paris (http://www.cieldeparis.com), a restaurant located in Montparnasse, in the heart of Paris.

The aim of the night will be that of introducing the tradeshow TUTTOFOOD – MILANO WORLD FOOD EXHIBITION, that will take place in Milan on May 8th – 11th, 2017.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West can offer to qualified Canadian companies discounted rates for an exhibition space as well as fully sponsored trips to potential buyers, thanks to an agreement with Fieramilano.

Upon selection, qualified Canadian BUYERS will be offered the following incentives:

  • Full coverage of a return flight Canada – Italy ;
  • Local transportation;
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Customized b2b agenda


 Upon selection, qualified Canadian EXHIBITORS will access convenient rates and packages for:

  • Booth and set up
  • Shipping
  • Translation and additional service


Please note that only upon confirmation of the selection and of the full sponsorhip, there will be an administrative fee of 550$ for the buyers, that will include complimentary membership for one year at the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West. No administrative fee is owned by the exhibitors.

TUTTOFOOD is the international B2B show dedicated to food & beverage organized by Fiera Milano. In just five editions, it has become the perfect showcase for presenting one’s products to the national and international markets. The industry sectors represented in TUTTOFOOD are:

In 2017 edition TUTTOFOOD will host also FRUIT INNOVATION  – FROM THE HARVEST TO THE CONSUMER, a two-yearly event showcasing the top-level production of the fruit and vegetable industry system.

For more information on TUTTOFOOD – MILANO WORLD FOOD EXHIBITION and its different sectors you can click HERE.

 If you wish to participate in the Paris event, please follow the link for the RSVP on the invitation form, that you will find at the link that follows.

Please note that this event is complimentary, yet places are limited.

  • Click for YOUR INVITATION AND RSVP – English version
  • Click here, for YOUR INVITATION AND RSVP – French version.


If you wish to receive more information about how to participate in TUTTOFOOD tradeshow as a buyer or as an exhibitor:


Emily Carr University of Art + Design participates in the XXI International Exhibition of the Triennale di Milano


Emily Carr University of Art + Design will participate in the XXI International Exhibition of the Triennale di Milano this summer.

The XXI International Exhibition of the Triennale di Milano is hosted in Milan, Italy every three years and showcases international institutions working in fields of art, architecture, design, fashion and film. Innovation and 21st Century Design is this year’s Triennale theme and Emily Carr University — as a leader in innovation, research and design — has been invited to participate and create an exhibition and working studio space called Liminal Labs which will be situated within the “New Crafts” at the Triennale’s Fabricca del Vapore.

In the spirit of creativity and open innovation, Emily Carr University of Art + Design invites visitors at the Triennale to participate Liminal Labs, an experiment in how we collaborate: to not only think, but also to make.

Find more information about the event here.

Flavours of Italy 2015 – CAMBIE KITCHEN EVENT

This year’s Italian Chamber’s annual FLAVOURS OF ITALY promotion focuses exclusively on CHIANTI CLASSICO and will feature, during the entire month of October, nine CHIANTI CLASSICO wines displayed in 30 selected BC Liquor Stores throughout British Columbia.

On Friday, October 9th, from 4pm to 6pm we are organizing a CHIANTI CLASSICOtasting at the Cambie Kitchen inside a Signature BC Liquor Store on Cambie and 39th Ave in Vancouver.

Come and delight your palate with 9 fabulous Chianti Classico wines, produced exclusively in the restricted Chianti Classico DOCG production area in Tuscany, and taste delicious Tuscan style antipasti !

The Chianti Classico sub region covers an area of approximate 100 square miles between two famous Tuscan cities, Florence and Siena. To have the right to a denomination and to display the famous black rooster logo, the Chianti Classico DOCG must be produced from grapes grown exclusively in this specific territory and under strict rules and conditions enforced by the Chianti Classico Wine Consortium. One of the rules specifies that along with a minimum of 80% of Sangiovese grape variety, other red grapes of the area can be used in a maximum percentage of 20%.

Come find out what other grape varieties are used in Chianti Classico and taste the following fine wines selection:

[unordered_list style=’circle’ number_type=’circle_number’ animate=’yes’ font_weight=”]

  • Peppoli Chianti CLassico DOCG
  • Cecchi Chianti Classico DOCG
  • Brolio Chianti Classico DOCG
  • Rocca delle Macie Chianti Classico DOCG
  • Fontodi Chianti Classico DOCG
  • Ser Lapo Mazzei Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG
  • San Fabiano Calcinaia Chianti Classico DOCG
  • Ruffino Riserva Ducale Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG
  • Monna Lisa Chianti Classico DOCG


This wine tasting event is open to the public; there is no need to RSVP but the event is very popular, so do come early to avoid any disappointment.

Where: Cambie Kitchen BC Liquor Store, 39th and Cambie St.

When: Friday, October 9th 2015 – 4 to 6pm

Trade Tasting – GAMBERO ROSSO


Monday, June 1st, 2015
from 1:30pm to 5:00pm
The Coast Coal Harbour Hotel, 1180 W Hastings St., Vancouver


Attention: Wine Buyers, Retailers, Restaurateurs, Sommeliers,
all Hospitality Industry Professionals

Gambero Rosso, in collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West and the Vancouver International Wine Festival, is pleased to invite you to:


This prestigious event comes back to Vancouver after the enormous success of the last year’s event.
For a taste of what to expect, watch here:

Gambero Rosso 2015 – Vancouver


You are allowed to register more people per company or other complimentary guests if they are qualified wine/hospitality industry professionals.
For further information please contact iccbc@iccbc.com or call +1 (604) 682-1410.

Looking forward to seeing you at this exciting event.




Green Oak Development is where Italian high-end fashion meets real estate. Distinguished by its European attitude, based on style and contemporary aesthetics, Green Oak is changing Vancouver’s panorama. Responding to the demand for contemporary elegance and long-term investments, Green Oak is merging the timeless beauty of yesteryear with the innovative concepts of today. Lasting class is essential in every project.

Green Oak is not just a team of developers, but also a leading interior design firm. To give its clients the superior quality they are looking for, the company is importing top-level kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms, tiles, and many other furnishing and construction materials directly from Italy.

Green Oak is also a leading “Made in Italy” importer.Top quality Italian furniture and interior finishing products are not exclusive to their team of interior designers. Green Oak is importing and selling a growing number of Italian furnishing brands, to a large number of independent developers and interior designers teaming up with them to create long lasting synergies. Check out their project on Main Street, “The Independent”, to see how Italian Style can fit Vancouver!

Green Oak is not selling apartments or houses; it provides its clients with their own space, a place they can call home. Thanks to their expertise, Green Oak’s Creative team is assisting their clients every step of the way, from the purchase of the land, to the final furnishing of the rooms.

Green Oak is an ambassador of the Italian Style.Green Oak’s Creative team is mainly comprised of Italians. Their passion for quality and Italian style is combined with diversified backgrounds, ranging from fashion and advertising, to architecture and filming. This results in the creation of a unique professional team that is genuinely Italian, providing its clients with a touch of authenticity and the style they are looking for.

GREEN OAK’S MANIFESTOresponds to the demand for contemporary elegance and long-term investments, while honoring Vancouver’s nature as an internationally acclaimed city. This is the foundation of every multi-family project.

Visit the Green Oak Development website: www.greenoakdynasty.com/development/