Discover Authentic Italian Cheeses
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada –West, is organizing In collaboration with Urban Fare the Discover Authentic Italian Cheeses, a 4 weeks in-store promotion featuring 5 selected PDO Italian Cheeses: from September 24th to October 21st at Urban Fare stores in BC and Alberta.
Cheeses from Italy are some of the world’s best and the most famous. The history of Italian Cheese began over 2,000 years ago during the era of the Roman Empire. As early as the first century AD, Romans invented cheese presses to press cheese curd. Romans were the first to experiment with aging cheese under different conditions in order to produce Italian cheese with specific textures, flavours, and aromas .
When tasting Italy’s cheeses, always look for the “DOP” seal—it’s the best guarantee that what you are tasting is what the product is supposed to be. What is DOP?
In partnership with Urban Fare, The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is organizing two weeks of educational campaign of 5 popular Italian DOP cheeses: Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, Piave Vecchio, Pecorino Romano and Mozzarella di Bufala Campana in Urban Fare points of sale across Canada West. The goal of this campaign is to introduce you to the authentic taste of Italian formaggio, how to recognize counterfeit cheeses, and last but not least, to take you through a memorable virtual journey of some of Italy’s world renowned formaggi and the beautiful regions in which these cheeses are produced.
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The following selected cheeses will be featured in the event
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1. Parmigiano Reggiano
Crumbly, Salty, and Savory
Known in Italy as the ‘king of cheeses’, it is made exclusively in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna to the left of the Reno river, and Mantua to the right of the Po river with milk of locally grown forage fed cattle.
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Source: Consortium of Parmigiano Reggiano
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2. Piave Vecchio
Fruity Sharp Taste Upfront, Bright and Buttery on the Finish
Named after Piave river, and produced exclusively in the province of Belluno, the milk used to make Piave comes exclusively from the province of Belluno and at least 80% of it is produced by cattle breeds typical of the production zone.
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Source: Consortium for the Protection of Formaggio Piave
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3. Grana Padano
Subtle Sharp Notes and Fragrantly Fruity
The famous cheese from the Po Valley was created in 1135 at the Chiaravalle Abbey, south of Milan. Grana Padano is made exclusively from raw partially skimmed Italian milk from cows milked only twice daily and fed ac-cording to specific rules.
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Source: Consortium of Grana Padano
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4. Pecorino Romano
Aromatic, Lightly Spicy and Tangy
The fruit of centuries of experience, Pecorino Romano is made with fresh whole sheep’s milk, derived exclusively from farms in the area of production: The regions of Lazio, Sardinia and the province of Grosseto in Tuscany.
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Source: Consortium of Pecorino Romano
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5. Mozzarella di Bufala Campana
Delicate, with a Hint of Musk
The Mozzarella di Bufala Campana PDO is produced using exclusively fresh whole buffalo milk, from breeding farms located in the certified area. Caserta and Salerno represent about 90% of the production. It undergoes many controls, from the breeding of the buffalo to the sale to end user.
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Source: Consortium of Mozzarella di Bufala Campana
Shop Authentic & Get Rewarded
Special Gift
When purchasing one or more of the participating cheese products at the Urban Fare stores during the weeks of the promotion, Urban Fare customers will receive a special gift.
Win $500 Urban Fare Gift Card
All stores will also feature special educational material and brochures regarding the selected cheeses and their areas of origin. Additional videos and educational materials will also be available at iccbc.com. The website taste.iccbc.com will also direct to an online contest with a chance to win up a $500 value Urban Fare coupon.
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EU quality policy aims at protecting the names of specific agrifood products to promote their unique characteristics, linked to their geographical origin as well as traditional know-how.
Product names can be granted with a ‘geographical indication’ (GI) if they have a specific link to the place where they are made. The GI recognition enables consumers to trust and distinguish quality products while also helping producers to market their products better.
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Protected designation of origin (PDO)
Product names registered as PDO are those that have the strongest links to the place in which they are made. Every part of the production, processing and preparation process must take place in the specific region.
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Protected geographical indication (PGI)
PGI emphasises the relationship between the specific geographic region and the name of the product, where a particular quality, reputation or other characteristic is essentially attributable to its geographical origin. For most products, at least one of the stages of production, processing or preparation takes place in the region.
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The Authentic Italian Table is part of the “True Italian Taste” project, funded by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and executed by Assocamerestero in collaboration with the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad, in order to raise awareness of and safeguard authentic Italian food products. “True Italian Taste” is part of the “Extraordinary Italian Taste” initiative.
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The program main goal is to promote awareness worldwide about authentic and certified agri-food Italian products, as many supermarkets’ shelves – especially in North America- extensively host many products evoking Italy, neither having any connection to Italy, nor involving an Italian manufacture. To learn more about Italy’s project for the promotion of authentic Italian DOP and IGP products in North America, visit the official website of the project www.trueitaliantaste.com or old.iccbc.com.
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Francesca Cavallo
Italian Chamber of Commerce of Canada – West
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Urban Fare Stores In Canada West