Marmomac Natural Stone Supply and Value Chain 2020 Trade Fair
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West, in collaboration with VeronaFiere, would like to invite you to the annual international exhibition”MARMOMAC“.
This year’s edition called “MARMOMAC Restart” will be online and will provide three days of meetings, networking, B2B and events where the natural stone community will have the chance to develop relationships within a global format online.
Marmomac Restart is a great opportunity for networking and marketing that overcomes the barriers of space and time by enabling meetings and relationships that the current situation today otherwise makes difficult to plan, expensive and at risk.
Exclusive Benefits for Canadian Attendees
A delegation of selected Canadian buyers operating in the marble/stone industry (marble machinery importers, stone importers, contractors, construction companies, developers, architects, etc) will be given the chance to take part at B2B meetings,workshops and seminars. Selected qualified participants will be offered the following incentives:
- Access to an Exclusive Exhibit Area
- Business matching and customized B2B Meeting agenda
- Social Media featuring on the social media channels and monthly newsletter of Italian Design Map.
- Upon completion of a minimum of 20 virtual B2B meetings, participants will be offered a CAD100 discount on annual subscription to Italian Design Map.
How to Apply
To participate in Marmomac 2020, please fill in the registration form before the extended deadline Friday, September 4th 2020, and send it to stefano@iccbc.com
[button size=” style=” text=’Download Form’ icon=’fa-file-excel-o’ icon_color=” link=’https://bit.ly/2YUTY9f’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]
If you have any questions, please email stefano@iccbc.com or call us at 604-682-1410(M/F 9am – 5pm).