Thinkathon Challenge 2020: Our Digital Future – C’est ICI !
Are you A European or Canadian Resident Between the Age of 18-30?
You have a unique opportunity to join and influence policies to achieve an inclusive digital society.
Be an influential part of change and make a difference that matters! Join “Our digital future – The Online Challenge”. We are looking for young people between 18-30 years, who live as a permanent resident or citizen in Europe or Canada, and are interested in improving access to and inclusion in “the digital world”.
Throughout this 24-hour Thinkathon (3rd of six rounds) – a project funded by the European Union – young people from different European and Canadian cities will work together to shape a more inclusive digital future, building on the topics of Citizenship 4.0, Social Relations, Smart and Fast Expanding Cities, Security, Education, Entertainment & Culture, or topic of your choice in a digital setting.
Connect with driven young people from Canada and Europe on a local and international level and share your opinions on how we can build our future society in a modern digital context! Develop ideas for our future! Through your suggestions, show how technological advancements can change our understanding of society and how we can use digitality to build an inclusive community! Network, develop new skills and influence topics that are important to you and the world!
application deadline: April 12th
The 3-Step Process is as follow:
1st Step: Registration & Ideation, from January 13th, 2020 to April 12th, 2020
Register on the platform and create or join a team of 2 – 4 members. For this step, each team needs to prepare a short presentation (max. 5 slides) to present their ideas and recommendations for the chosen category. You can use the provided presentation template.
2nd Step: Development & Mentoring, from April 21th, 2020 to May 16th, 2020
During the development stage, your team will create an advanced concept of your recommendations, outlining the potential impact, hindrance factors, stakeholders as well as provide concrete use cases. You will be guided and supported throughout this process by exciting industry experts!
3rd Step: The Online Final
Between May 25th and June 13th, you’ll have time to finalize your idea and prepare a five-minute presentation. On June 13th you will have the opportunity to pitch your solutions to the jury and win fantastic prizes!
Make an Impact, Gain an Experience, Win a Trip
As an online participant you also have the chance to win a trip to the closing event in mid-November 2020 in either Ottawa (for European participants) or Brussels (for Canadian participants) for one finalist.
[button size=” style=” text=’Save the Date!’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://bit.ly/2xgHi1C’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”] [button size=” style=” text=’Sign Up Now!’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://bit.ly/3bdvHyP’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=’#64b29f’ hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]
Why Thinkathon?
Our Digital Future – C’est ICI!
Over the past 30 years, a new digital culture, interactivity and instantaneous communication have fundamentally changed our world. We are now at a new crossroads: advances in augmented reality, virtual reality and artificial intelligence; the ‘internet of things’; how we interact with devices and the disappearance of the keyboard; big data and user experience tailored to the individual will all change how we live, work, play and participate in society – administratively, economically, socially and politically.
How do technological advancements influence our concept of cities? How can we use them to create smart cities?
Your opinion matters!
if you are interested in shaping your digital future and also consider yourself as part of any kind of minority, this is the right project for you!
Connect with driven young people from Europe and Canada and develop ideas for our future on the topic of “Smart and fast expanding cities”! Work with like-minded people online to shape our future around “Smart and Fast Expanding Cities”!
All outcomes will be shared with European and Canadian policymakers to make sure your voice is heard.
What Past Participants Say
“Being part of the Edmonton-Milan Thinkathon was extremely fulfilling. It was
evident that everyone who participated was part of something bigger.
Throughout the world, we live in different cultures, but we all are dealing with
the same digital problems. This Thinkathon put perspectives together to discuss
these challenges. It is amazing what outcomes are derived when creative minds
debate opinions and ponder innovative solutions.”
– Jared VanderMeer, Participant in Edmonton-Milan Thinkathon #2
Partners & Sponsors
The project is organized by the Goethe-Institut, ThinkYoung and Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi NDG and funded by the European Union as part of its program, “EU-Canada Youth Transatlantic Civil Society Dialogues.”
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West and The European Chamber of Commerce in Canada West are proud partners of this Thinkathon round.
[button size=” style=” text=’Click Here to Sign Up for Thinkathon Challenge 2020!’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://bit.ly/3bdvHyP’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]
Online Event