Vine and Dine 6 Course Italian pairing Private dinner at Pubblico Italian Kitchen
Culinaire’s Vine & Dine Evenings Are Back
slowly and very carefully, with small groups to keep you safe!
Culinaire’s Pubblico paired take-out dinner packages sold out in February while the restaurant was closed. bBut now, as the restaurants re-open in Calgary and Calgerians are able to dine in again, Culinaire is leaping at the opportunity to enjoy chef’s fabulous Italian food seated in the beautiful Pubblico Italian Kitchen restaurant ~ and on nights when they’re closed, so that Vine and Dine guests have the whole restaurant to themselves with no other diners!
“ Our first evening on March 21 was excellent, everyone loved it – we can’t wait for Match 29 now!” – Linda, Culinaire Magazine
How to book
Call Culinaire Vine and Dine Series: 403 870 9802 or email: linda@culinairemagazine.ca
[button size=” style=” text=’Download Menu’ icon=’fa-cutlery’ icon_color=” link=’https://old.iccbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/PubblicoMarch21.pdf’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]
Pubblico Italian Kitchen