Emilia-Romagna Region Agribusiness Mission in Canada

Emilia-Romagna Region is organizing a follow-up agri-food mission included in the Memorandum of Understanding for the realization of integrated projects for the promotion of existing quality products with the Canadian Provinces of Québec and British Columbia.

The mission will be developed with the support of Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna, and it will start from May 27th to June 7th 2019 with two key moments for companies, the first one in Montreal on May 30th and 31st, and the second one in Vancouver on June 3rd and 4th, all within the framework of the True Italian Taste project supported by the Italian Government.

During the mission, both high-level institutional meetings and trade, media and consumer events will be held, aimed at spreading at best the characteristics of the real Emilia-Romagna agri-food product.

To know more: https://www.ucer.camcom.it/Internazionalizzazione/news/notizie-2019/missione-regionale-in-canada-27-maggio-7-giugno

For information write to:
Emilia-Romagna Region – Mercedes Centanni – mariamercedes.centanni@regione.emilia-romagna.it
Unioncamere Emilia-Romagna – Paola Frabetti – paola.frabetti@rer.camcom.it