An overview of EU-Italy-Canada relations, with a view to Italy’s ratification of EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)

By Paolo Quattrocchi
Lawyer, Vice-President of ICCCW, Director of the Centro Studi Italia-Canada and Partner at ADVANT Nctm Law Firm in Rome

In 2016, the European Union (EU) and Canada entered into two pivotal agreements: the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA), aimed at strategic matters, and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), focused on economic and commercial aspects.

Italy and Europe have profound historical ties with Canada that trace back to the colonial period. Originally established as a French colony in the early 17th century, the geographical area now encompassing modern-day Canada was later ceded to the British Empire by the French following the conclusion of the Seven Years’ War in 1763. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, Canada witnessed successive waves of European immigration. The Canadian government actively promoted immigration through various initiatives, such as the Dominion Lands Act of 1872 and the Canadian Pacific Railway’s recruitment campaigns. This period saw significant immigration from Central and Eastern Europe, including Ukraine, Poland, Italy, and the Baltic states. Moreover, in the same period, there was a huge immigration from China, and, later on, after World War II, Canada gradually saw a more diverse influx of immigrants from Asia, including countries such as India, the Philippines, Korea, and Pakistan.

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Our President Receives the honour of Officer of the Order of the Star of Italy

Congratulations to our president Celso Boscariol, Q.C. for being promoted to the Officer of the Order of the Star of Italy.


Celso Boscariol, Q.C., the president of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West and a Partner in Watson Goepel Business Law Group, has been promoted from Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy to the rank of Officer, Order of the Star of Italy, a civilian honour (similar to the Order of Canada) that is awarded to Italians abroad for special merit in the promotion of friendly relations and cooperation between Italy and other countries such as Canada.

Celso is recognized for his contributions to the Italian Community in Canada, and his leadership of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West promoting commercial relations between Canada and Italy. Of special note, was Celso’s work on the Comprehensive Economic & Trade Agreement (“CETA”) between Canada and the European Union, which Italy is a founding member.

The order is conferred by the President of the Italian Republic on the recommendation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

IVEY AND BAW ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY : Canadian and Italian Expertise Together for a Better Future!

Ivey International Inc. (IVEY) of Canada, and BAW Environmental Engineering S.r.l. (BAW) of Italy are officially signing their National Technology Representation Agreement at the Embassy of Canada in Rome, on Thursday, March 30, 2017.

IVEY & BAW signing the agreement i

IVEY is an International Award Winning Canadian based environmental technology company located in greater Vancouver, Canada, specializing in the development and application of innovative air, soil, and groundwater remediation products.

BAW S.r.l. is an environmental design and consulting company based in Saluzzo, CN which focuses on integrating the best remediation technologies available on the market today to create highly advanced technical solutions for environmental problems.

This agreement marks IVEY’s official making of BAW as their National Technology Representative within the Italian soil and groundwater environmental remediation market for the National GLOBE Award Winner, North American Frost & Sullivan Award Winning, & Patented Ivey-sol® Surfactant Remediation Technology.

This exciting collaboration positively contributes to the economic growth and technical developments in the Italian environmental market as Italy experiences a renewed focus on cleaning up contaminated sites at European Union Standards.

The IVEY-BAW signing is being hosted by the Canadian Embassy in Rome. The agreement was made possible with the support of CanExport, a Government of Canada program assisting Canadian businesses seeking to develop new export opportunities and markets.

“Today’s Environmental Solutions For A Better Tomorrow”TM.
