VANCOUVER, November 29, 2022 – When one thinks of the best cuisines in the world, Italian is often at the top of many people’s list. Thanks to a new partnership between Vancouver Community College (VCC) and ALMA – The School of Italian Culinary Arts, budding chefs in VCC’s Culinary Arts program will have more opportunities to learn the art of Italian cuisine.
On November 25, a memorandum of understanding was signed between ALMA and VCC establishing a relationship of cooperation aimed at promoting the education and culture of Italian cuisine.
“In ALMA’s vocation, ever since its creation, there has always been the desire and need to bring true Italian cuisine to the world, which is original, i.e. linked to a culture, and contemporary, i.e. linked to current events,” says Andrea Sinigaglia General Manager ALMA – The School of Italian Culinary Arts. “To celebrate such an important occasion, we are proud to have reached a new prestigious partner such as Vancouver Community College. This new partnership outlines the possibility of shared values of the beauty and history of authentic food Italian heritage is known for.”
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