“All About Pizza” class

The pizza class was a success!

The students learned how to make the real Italian pizza teached by the Chef Giuseppe Cortinovisi and the unavoidable Chef Giovanni Trigona!

Check the photos of the night here, you will see some great creations of our students!

The next wine class will be on Tuesday 13th and it will be unmissable! There are few spots available.

To reserve a spot contact the VCC – Vancouver Community College at the e-mail csculinary@vcc.ca or phone 604 871 7000

The first class, “All About Pasta”

The Italian Master Class Series has finally began this week with the “All About Pasta” class.

Thanks to all the participants and teachers it was a success!

They took on with the preparation, from the dough to the cooking and obviously the taste, of some differents types of pasta.

The next class of this cycle will be on February Tuesday 6th and it will concern how to make the perfect Italian pizza.

If you want to see the photos of the evening click here.

An heartfelt thanks to our Chef Giovanni Trigona e Sergio Cinti.

For more information about the classes please write at iccbc@iccbc.com