We Are Here to Help. Coronavirus Zona Protetta Update

Above: Duomo of Milan would normally be filled with commuters, shoppers, and tourists at this time of year. This week it’s virtually deserted as travel restrictions have been implemented across Italy in the government’s efforts to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is close to its friends, families, members and collaborators in Italy during these challenging times.
During its millennial history, Italy has faced many challenges and its proud people have learned how to be strong and unite during times of struggle.
Our thoughts and prayers go to Italy right now, as we keep working to fight back fear and build a future of connections and friendship between Italy and Canada, especially when the Ocean between us feels even larger.

In its ongoing efforts to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus and protect the most vulnerable people in the country, the Italian government implemented severe travel restrictions across the entire country on Monday. These new measurements expand the red zone restrictions that had been put into place early Sunday morning to the entire country. With the new measures in place, Italian residents, except for emergency and work, are no longer allowed to move leave or enter cities or towns. All public gatherings and sporting events have been suspended and banned, all schools have been closed, international and domestic flights have been canceled, and the Italian government is encouraging citizens to stay at home and work from home if necessary.

Here at the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West, our offices are open as usual as we keep supporting our Canadian and Italian members. We are monitoring the situation closely and recognize that many of our members and friends have family and friends in Italy who have been impacted by the new restrictions. And we are acutely aware of the fallout on Italian businesses, both in Canada and Italy.

Currently, we are working to obtain more information on how the restrictions (zona protetta) is being implemented and its effects. We are also closely following updates from the Italian government on relief efforts and the ongoing campaign to mitigate the continuing health crisis.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is here to help: Please feel free to contact us for all information regarding your business with Italy to iccbc@iccbc.com or 604 682 1410. One of our staff members will be happy to speak with you and help you in any way we can.

In the meantime, please stay up-to-date with our social media channels where we will be publishing updates on the evolving situation.

AGM 2020 Notice & 2019 Minutes

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Members of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West will take place at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday,  March 19th, 2020 at 5:30 p.m via tele- conference system (details below) to transact the following Business:

  1. Call to order
  2. Adoption of agenda
  3. President’s report
  4. Executive Director’s report
  5. Approval of Financial Statements as of December 31st, 2019
  6. Appointment of auditor
  7. Election Procedure for Partial Renewal of Board of Directors
    1. Appointment of Election Chair
    2. Adoption of election rules (see attached)
    3. Nominations for directors
    4. Election of Scrutineers, if ballot is required
    5. Ballot, if required
    6. Ballot Count
    7. Introduction of new members of Board of Directors
    8. Destruction of Ballots.
  8. Other business
  9. Adjournment


Please note that the AGM will be preceded by the Board of Directors Meeting at 5:00pm. 

Instructions to Join 2020 E-AGM

With the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak occurring, we will be hosting the AGM via tele- conference system. Below are the links for the AGM to be hosted on Zoom. 

You can either: 

  • Download Zoom App on your phone or laptop and then connect at the link below 
  • Dial in via telephone as indicated below.  

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App

[button size=” style=” text=’Download Zoom App and Join’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’ https://zoom.us/j/476425526?pwd=anQ4YjNTNzNNQ3M3U2EvOFgrT2E5dz09 ‘ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

Meeting ID: 476 425 526 
Password: 672328 
Link: https://zoom.us/j/476425526?pwd=anQ4YjNTNzNNQ3M3U2EvOFgrT2E5dz09

Dial In to the Meeting

Telephone: +1 778 907 2071 CANADA (Vancouver) 

Meeting ID: 476 425 526 


Proxy Form

[button size=” style=” text=’Proxy Form’ icon=’fa-download’ icon_color=” link=’https://old.iccbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Form-of-Proxy_2020.pdf’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]
Please note that the link to the teleconference will be active starting at 5.00PM, as we will be hosting the Board meeting previous to the AGM. 

If you are not able to join the conference, please fill out this Form of Proxy and return it by email to francesca@iccbc.com.


Need Assistance?

For any issues please text our Executive Director, Ilaria at 604 345 7405.

Kindly refer to the below documents for more information:


[button size=” style=” text=’Click here for the 2019 AGM Minutes’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://old.iccbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/AGM_2019_vancouver_minutes.pdf’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]


As some Italian towns are put on lockdown due to coronavirus, travelers are beginning to ask: is it safe to visit Italy? Assocamere has issued the following statement:

Italy: a safe country.

It is safe to live in Italy and it is safe to travel to Italy.

Assocamerestero offers “correct and transparent” information on the real impact on the whole Italian Coronavirus System, which risks lastingly damages to Made in Italy and tourism. The adoption of extraordinary preventive measures, such as the temporary closure of some places or the suspension of some events, represent precautionary measures that have nothing to do with the spread of the virus on Italian territory.

Here the link to know more


[:it]Consolato Generale d’Italia – Avviso di assunzione impiegato a contratto presso l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Toronto[:]

[:it]È indetta una procedura di selezione per l’assunzione di 1 (uno) impiegato a contratto da adibire ai servizi di collaboratore amministrativo nel settore contabilità, manifestazioni culturali e traduzione del locale Istituto Italiano di Cultura.

Le domande di ammissione alle prove per l’assunzione, da redigersi secondo il modello disponibile presso il Consolato Generale d’Italia in Toronto oppure scaricabili tramite il presente link, dovranno essere presentate entro e non oltre le ore 24 del giorno 24 febbraio 2020.

Le domande potranno essere trasmesse per via telematica, firmate, scansionate e corredate dalla copia di un documento d’identità valido, all`indirizzo email archivio.toronto@esteri.it; alternativamente le stesse domande, firmate e corredate dalla copia di un documento d’identità valido, potranno essere presentate su carta libera indirizzata al Consolato Generale d`Italia in Toronto – 136 Beverly Street – Toronto, Ontario M5T 1Y5.

[button size=” style=” text=’Scarica il Bando’ icon=’fa-download’ icon_color=” link=’https://old.iccbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/avviso-assunzione-impiegato-a-contratto-iic-toronto-gennaio-20….pdf’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]




[:it]Campagna informativa Referendum Costituzionale sul numero dei parlamentari[:]

[:it]Cari Amici,

è nostro piacere ricordarvi che il 29 marzo prossimo si svolgerà in Italia un referendum costituzionale sulla riduzione del numero dei parlamentari.

Coloro che sono iscritti all’AIRE, alias l`Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all’Estero, possono scegliere di votare all’estero, per corrispondenza, oppure possono recarsi in Italia e votare presso il proprio comune.

Nel secondo caso le persone interessate devono comunicare al nostro Consolato Generale entro il prossimo 8 febbraio la loro volontà di votare in Italia utilizzando il modulo da scaricare tramite questo link.

Gli elettori iscritti AIRE che si trovino temporaneamente in altra circoscrizione consolare, per un periodo di almeno tre mesi, possono richiedere all’Ufficio Consolare competente per residenza e nel cui Schedario Consolare risultino iscritti di poter ricevere il plico elettorale dal Consolato nella cui circoscrizione si trovino temporaneamente.

Gli elettori residenti in Italia che per motivi di lavoro, studio o cure mediche si trovino temporaneamente all`estero, per un periodo di almeno tre mesi, nel quale ricade la data di svolgimento del referendum costituzionale, nonché i familiari con loro conviventi, potranno esercitare il diritto di voto per corrispondenza, ricevendo il plico elettorale all’indirizzo di temporanea dimora all’estero.

Per esercitare il proprio diritto di voto per corrispondenza, tali elettori dovranno far pervenire al Comune d`iscrizione nelle liste elettorali un`apposita opzione entro il 26 febbraio 2020.

Aggiungiamo anche il link ad una breve sintesi grafica prediposta dal Ministero che illustra le modalità di voto per il referendum.

Per ulteriori informazioni il Consolato Generale è a vostra disposizione per fornire ulteriori chiarimenti e delucidazioni che si dovessero rendere necessarie.


Chamber mentoring for international growth

Call for applications

(Closes on February 6 th , 2020)


[button size=” style=” text=’Visit Website’ icon=’fa-anchor’ icon_color=” link=’http://upforitaly.com/’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]


The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada- West is promoting for this year, 2020, the second edition of the mentoring project “Up for IT” developed with Unioncamere and Assocamerestero. This project takes part in the bigger international program “Chamber Mentoring for International Growth”, in which a network of chambers of commerce widespread around the world will participate.

The main goal of the project “Up for IT” is building a network between Italian managers and entrepreneurs living abroad that, as mentors, they are willing to share their expertise and knowledge with Italian companies (mentee) that are interested in engaging in a digital disruption aimed to facilitate their entry in foreign markets. The digital transformation will happen through the introduction of new technologies that will apply to all the internal processes, from the planning to the production, from marketing to sales.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada- West is currently accepting applications to select 4 mentors for Western Canada.



Applications must be received by February 6 th , 2020.



The minimum requirements to participate are listed below:

  • To share Italian roots and /or to hold a deep knowledge of the Italian market;
  • To live abroad;
  • Minimum 3+ years of experience in digital technologies “Industry 4.0” (i.e. advanced manufacturing solutions, Industrial Internet and Iot, Cloud, Cybersecurity and Business Continuity, Big Data and Analytics, Software, digital application and platform, etc.).



  • Hold a managerial position or manage a company;
  • Minimum 5+ years of experience in other kinds of digital technologies (i.e. e-commerce systems, mobile payment system and/or via the Internet and electronic invoice, EDI systems, electronic data interchange, Geolocation, in-store customer experience technologies, System Integration applied to automatization processes, etc.).


The grounds for exclusion are:

  • To work as a freelance and/or as an advisor;
  • Hold a position as “CCIE President”.


How to Apply

To apply for this opportunity please download the forms at the following links and send them filled in and signed at ilaria@iccbc.com by February 6th, 2020:

[button size=” style=” text=’Application Form 2020′ icon=’fa-file-o’ icon_color=” link=’https://old.iccbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Scheda-profilo-Mentor_2020.docx’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]   [button size=” style=” text=’UNIONCAMERE DISCLOSURE’ icon=’fa-hdd-o’ icon_color=” link=’https://old.iccbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Informativa-Unioncamere-al-Mentor.docx’ target=’_self’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]


FOOD AS AN ART FORM – Deadline January 27 – Emilia-Romagna in Canada

Opportunities for food importers in Western Canada and for food manufacturer based in Emilia Romagna Region


“Food as an art form” sponsors promotional activities and participation to tradeshows  (Cibus and Sial Montreal) both for Italian food companies already represented in Canada (Quebec, BC, Alberta) and for companies looking for an importer.If you are an importer in Western Canada and represents one or more companies from the Emilia Romagna region, you may want to contact your supplier and recommend they apply to this grant.January 27th is the last day to apply to the project.

For more information about the project please contact ilaria@iccbc.com or 604 682 1410.

About the Project


Unioncamere and the Chambers of Commerce of Emilia-Romagna will carry out a project in 2020 to support the internationalization in Canada (Province of Québec and Province of British Columbia) for the Emilia-Romagna agri-food sector.

The Project is co-financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region under the Call for the granting of contributions to projects to promote the regional production system on European and non-European markets 2019-2020 – 6th year.

The Project is intended for companies in the agro-food sector – with registered office or operating unit in Emilia-Romagna – already present in Canada with its own importer or not yet present on the Canadian market. A particular focus will be on productions obtained from organic agriculture, products for celiacs, vegan products and dairy / dairy products.

The Canadian organic products market – linked to consumer interest for healthier food products – is estimated at 4.4 billion Canadian dollars (2.6% of the food market), with a growth of 60% compared to 2010 with the province of Québec having the highest growth, with an increase of 85% between 2010 and 2017.

The project objectives are set out for the two target categories of the beneficiary companies:

  • Target 1 companies not yet present on the Canadian market (Provinces Québec and / or British Columbia): facilitating access to the market;
  • Target 2 companies already present on the Canadian market ( Provinces Quebec and / or British Columbia): facilitate market rooting through the HO.RE.CA. channel and / or Retail.


The flat-rate participation fee for each company is € 2,000.00 plus VAT, net of the contribution of the Emilia-Romagna chamber system and the Emilia-Romagna Region. Travel and accommodation costs in Canada are excluded from the participation fee, which therefore remain the responsibility of the participating company.


The deadline for collecting adhesions is set for January 27, 2020.

[button size=” style=” text=’Learn More & Apply’ icon=’fa-files-o’ icon_color=” link=’https://www.ucer.camcom.it/comunicazione/notizie/notizie-ed-eventi-2020/food-is-an-art-form-lemilia-romagna-si-gusta-in-canada-2020′ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

Due to heavy snow conditions please note that our offices will be closed today.

Please leave a message at 604 6821410 or iccbc@iccbc.com and we will contact you asap.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Happy Canadian Winter | Buon Inverno Canadese

Valoroso Foods is currently seeking candidates for STORE FRONT MANAGER,  WAREHOUSE OPERATIONS MANAGER, SALES REPRESENTATIVES, OFFICE CLERKS, DELIVERY DRIVER for their branches in Kelowna and Vancouver in British Columbia.

This is a great opportunity to gain experience within the Food Sector. Eligible candidates are invited to submit resume and cover letter to the attention of Ms. Anna Valoroso anna@valorosofoods.com Subject: APPLICATION TO JOB OFFER AS POSTED BY ITALIAN CHAMBER.

[button size=” style=” text=’Download Available Positions’ icon=’fa-download’ icon_color=” link=’https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qramTXv-4cjSsSOwUfs9tpKumN9fDPLQ ‘ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]