Congratulations Celso Boscariol: Queen’s counsel Induction

Of the honorary title of Queen’s counsel, Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton has said, “The recipients of the honour of the QC designation have enriched the justice system with their contributions to the practice of law. They have demonstrated professional integrity and dedication to their profession and have made valuable contributions as volunteers to communities across the province. This is a highly coveted honour, particularly because the recipients are nominated by their peers.”




The quote aptly describes our President, Celso Boscariol who was one of 40 recipients of the honorary title at an induction ceremony held on February 10, 2017.

In addition to the significant work he has done on government relations initiatives (CETA being one), Celso is committed to the growth and professional development of young lawyers and takes his role as a mentor very seriously. Add in his dedication to community (reflected by his Canada 125 commemorative medal and an Italian Star of Solidarity), and it’s easy to see why his peers nominated Celso for this most recent honor.

Congratulations Celso, and thank you for all you do, it is much appreciated.

“UP FOR IT!” – Join our Mentorship program! (Deadline for applications is March 13th. 2017)

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is launching a mentoring program to encourage the exchange of managerial experience on international markets among professionals with Italian roots and entrepreneurs based in Italy.
The program intends to support the international growth of companies in Italy.
We are currently looking for professionals with qualified international background willing to experience a new challenge as Mentors !

The deadline for applications is MARCH 13TH, 2017

Find out how to become a mentor HERE !

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is launching a mentoring program to encourage the exchange of managerial experience on international markets among professionals with Italian roots and entrepreneurs based in Italy.

The program,  as part of the Chamber Mentoring for International Growth, intends to support the international growth of companies in Italy.The project is promoted by Unioncamere and realized with the contribution of Intercamerale Interventer Fund, coordinated by Assocamerestero.

For more information and to participate, please visit our program website or contact Up for IT Program Coordinator, Francesca Cavallo at

HOLIDAY SCHEDULE – our office will be closed from December 21st, 2016!

Please note that our office will be closed during the holidays, from December 21st, 2016 at noon until January 2nd, 2017 inclusive. We will be back to work starting January 3rd, 2017 at 9 am.

We wish you all to spend quality time with your family and friends, and most importantly, to take time for you! We send you our best wishes for health and happiness!

Happy holidays to all!

Great Success for the masterclasses on Italian PDO and PGI products in Vancouver!

In the occasion of the First Week of Italian Cuisine in the world (21st – 27th, November 2016), ICCBC in collaboration with the General Consulate of Italy in Vancouver, and the VCC -Vancouver Community College, organized two masterclasses on Italian PDO and PGI products within the Extraordinary Italian Taste project (#italiantaste).

It was a great opportunity to discover more about the great Italian food tradition and to understand the nutritional benefits of using PDO and PGI products from Italy.

Special thanks to Chef Pino Posteraro from Cioppino’s Mediterranean & Grill Enoteca and Chef Adam Pegg from La Quercia restaurant for teaching us some amazing recipes, and to Vancouver Community College for being such a great host!

We want to thank all our guests  for attending our events, we hope you found it educative and interesting.

We are pleased to share with you the materials of the events:

  • pictures masterclass 22nd November, 2016 (click here)
  • pictures masterclass 23rd November, 2016 (here)
  • presentations of the products and consortium (click here)
  • recipe presented by Chef Pino Posteraro (here)
  • recipe presented by Chef Adam Pegg (here)
  • menus of the two masterclasses (click here)


Thank you!


In occasion of the “1st Week of the Italian Kitchen”, Bibo Pizzeria of Richmod, in collaboration with the Italian Consulate, is organizing a special dinner on Saturday, November 26th at 6,30 p.m.; during the event, you will also get the chance to taste 10 different types of pizza and wines from various Italian regions.


Wine Dinner at the Italian Kitchen (November, 21st)

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is promoting the event of Novembre 21st with the famous Italian chef Giovanni Trigona,  that will be held at the Italian kitchen, 1037 Alberni Street. Don’t hesitate to join this event and discover the most delicious Italian flavours !

To know more about the event, please click:

The Piovano’s family – New Article on NUVO !

Check out the new article on NUVO dedicated to one of the artisans’ workshop of the ERE project, the Piovano’s.

The ERE Project – Roman Excellence for Export started in 2015 to promote and support the internationalization process of the best artisan businesses in the Rome area: for sure, it could be the best opportunity to show the Italian artisan products and to give more visibility to the city of Rome and to the Made in Italy branding.

You can read the full article by Claudia Cusano at the following link:

Breakfast Series: Capitalizing on Free Trade Agreement Export Markets (Burnaby, November 10th)

Are you a Food Manufacturer or Processor based in Western Canada?
Grow your business through export!

From 2010 to 2015, over 80% of the growth in the food and beverage sector in BC has been in food manufacturing exports.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West, in partnership with the EU Chamber of Commerce in Canada West, BCFPA and BC Ministry of International Trade is organizing the event BREAKFAST SERIES – CAPITALIZING ON FREE TRADE AGREEMENT EXPORT MARKETS.
Join us on November 10th (7:15AM – 10:00AM) to learn more about the current opportunities to expand your market to Europe!!!

For more information and to register, please click on the following link:


ITALIAN LANGUAGE WEEK IN THE WORLD – Evening of Fashion & Dinner – Sunday, October 23, 2016

In occasion of the “Italian Language Week in the World”, Comitès organizes an evening of fashion and dinner on Sunday October 23, 2016 at “The Trattoria” in the Italian Centre from 5 pm.

The Vancouver Italian Language School is glad to participate to this initiative donating ONE THREE – MONTH ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE FOR THE NEXT WINTER 2016/2017 TERM.

To register to this event and to have more information about it, please contact  Carmelina @ 604 980 2377 or Frances @ 604 710 6692.

Click here to download the invitation.