Canada towards a free trade agreement with MERCOSUR

The Canadian trade policy is constantly evolving and aims to strengthen its networkthrough the signing of free trade agreement. After CETA, TPP11 and other agreements under negotiation, (NAFTA, Canada-CARICOM, etc.), Canada started an initial exploratory phase for the conclusion of a free trade agreement with the trading bloc MERCOSUR (Southern Common Market), which includes Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. 

Last February 23, the Minister of International Trade of Canada, François-Philippe Champagne, announced the positive outcome of this first contact: the common intention to deepen trade relations, expressed through a Canada-Mercosur joint statement, issued on the sidelines the World Trade Organization meetings held in Marrakesh in October 2017.

The intensification of dialogue with the world’s fourth largest trade bloc, with 260 million people and a GDP of over than 3 trillion dollars, represents for Canada an opportunity for a new market in fast-growing countries and a further increase in employment for the Canadian middle class. From auto spare parts to chemical products, from wood to seafood, this important market is indeed mature for Canadian products and producers. But a potential free trade agreement would also benefit the Mercosur countries, thanks to a reduction in prices on many of the exports to Canada, for the benefit of Canadian consumers who would have the opportunity to access to clothing or furniture products at more affordable prices. 

As reiterated by the Minister Champagne: “Canada is engaged in a progressive and diversified business agenda that focuses on the interests of the Canadian middle class. More trade means growth, and growth means more jobs, which is why the government continues to explore new opportunities to negotiate free trade agreements with fast-growing global markets. “

GLOBE Forum & Expo 2018: networking, business opportunities and the most important news on the use of energy while respecting the environment

From 14 to 16 March the GLOBE Forum and Expo 2018, the world event on sustainability, is held in Vancouver. The ICE-Agency, Toronto Office, with the support of the ICCC of Vancouver, promoted and organized the participation of an Italian business representation.


On 14 March the GLOBE 2018 event opens in Vancouver at the Vancouver Convention Center (BC), organized both as a forum and as an expo and dedicated to energy efficiency, environmental sustainability and B2B networking opportunities.
Produced by the GLOBE Series in Vancouver, the GLOBE Forum and Innovation Expo is proposed as the reference event for companies, all levels of government, NGOs, international agencies, technological innovators and the financial community, on issues related to the risk management and transformation into opportunities for the transition to a clean and sustainable economy. 
The sectors involved in the 2018 edition are: Sustainable Mobility, Smart / Performance Buildings, Innovation and Water Efficiency, Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS), Smart Grid / Micro-Grid. Canada, the country that organizes and hosts the event, is firmly committed to Cleantech, a sector of excellence in the entire Canadian business structure, both at a multinational level and a small and medium-sized enterprise, in constant and rapid development and with a market which is worth about $ 29 billion and employs 166,000 people.

In collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Milan-PROMOS, ICE-Italian Trade Agency organized a mission of Italian enterprises to participate at the event with the possibility to meet Canadian and worldwide companies in B2B meeting in “Italia” stand. In addition, the Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver and ICE-Italian Trade Agency will lead to Globe 2018 as keynote speaker Mrs. Hana Narvaez, a representative of “Stefano Boeri Architetti”, a prestigious architectural firm of Milan whose innovative works and sustainable construction have reached international resonance.

 ICE-agency organized the participation of Italian entrepreneurs in the industry  and set up a stand “Italy” in which the participating Italian companies held B2B meetings with Canadian firms or from other parts of the world.
In support of ICE-Agency in the promotion in Italy of GLOBE 2018 and in the organization of networking activities for Italian companies, there will be the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Vancouver, also involved in the implementation, in collaboration with the EU Chamber of Commerce in Canada West, EU delegation in Ottawa and BC MInistry of Jobs, Trade and Technology, of the seminar “CETA, Innovation and the Environment – opportunities for innovative clean-tech SME’s under enhanced EU-Canada cooperation”. 
The seminar, which will take place on March 15 at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel, is primarily aimed at European companies in the cleantech sector intersted in Canada and British Columbia, the Canadian province very sensitive to the green theme. 

The 2018 edition of GLOBE will benefit of an important added value for relations between Italy and Canada: the CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement). The economic and trade agreement, signed October 30, 2016, has strengthened the relationship between the European Union (Italy) and Canada. The provisions of CETA, which have been provisionally implemented since 21 September 2017, open the markets and cut the costs and procedures for the transfer of goods, investments and people through the almost complete abolition of tariff barriers (98%), the facilitation of investment, easier transfer of human capital as well as know-how and protection of intellectual property for trademarks and patents. 
Also with specific reference to the energy sector and to the green economy, CETA facilitates the encounter between European and Canadian operators, with a view to commercial expansion and economic growth, in the respect and protection of Community, federal, national and provincial policies. 






“Canadian Day”

Canadian Day – CETA and new business opportunities with Canada 

Thursday, March 29, 2018 9.00 am
Confcommercio Union – Sala Colucci (Corso Venezia, 47 – Milan)

CETA and the new business opportunities with Canada for Italian companies will be the focus of a meeting organized on March 29th in Milan by AICE – Italian Association of Foreign Trade, in collaboration with the Embassy of Canada in Italy. 

The objective of the event, hosted at the Unione Confcommercio headquarters, is to inform Italian companies on the main points of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, the agreement signed between the European Union and Canada on 30 October 2016, illustrating the characteristics of the Canadian market, the methods of exporting and importing goods and services, giving useful suggestions to promote the presence and strategies of internationalization of Italian companies in Canada. 

CETA, which is now on provisional execution as of 21 September, will produce its effects and benefits on European companies and, obviously, to Italian companies, thanks to the reduction of tariff barriers, the protection of intellectual property, the opening, European companies, public sector calls for tenders at all levels, recognition of professional qualifications. 

Among the speakers will intervene the lawyer Paolo Quattrocchi, Partner of Nctm Law Firm, director of the Centro Studi Italia Canada and vice-president of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West, active for a long time in Italy-Canada relations and with a great experience in cross-border transactions with the North American country. 
There will be also, testimonies from Italian operators involved in import / export with Canada.


Lionella Bertazzon, Senior Investment Officer Embassy of Canada in Italy

Luca De Carli, Deputy Head of Unit – Trade Strategy at European Commission – DG Trade 

Paolo Quattrocchi, Partner of Nctm Studio Legale, director of the Centro Studi Italia Canada 

Riccardo Massetti, Ocean Choice International Exporting company (TBC) 

Luigi Merati, Sales Manager JAS Spa 


Program and application form

Business Summit 2018

The business leaders of the G7 meet in Quebec City on April 5th and 6th. The Business Summit 2018, organized by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, represents the business and corporate world and anticipates the political G7 summit in June chaired by Canada.


In view of the Canadian presidency of the G-7, scheduled for the 8th and 9th June in La Malbaie in Quebec, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce is organizing on 5 and 6 April in Quebec City, the Business Leaders Summit – B7, which brings together delegations from the business associations from each of the G7 countries and anticipates annual political summit, to develop recommendations and proposals from from the business and entrepreneurial world. 

The B7 2018 will be co-chaired by Monique F. Leroux, Chair of the Board of Investissement Québec and president of the Quebec Economic and Innovation Council and Dawn Farrell, president and CEO of TransAlta Corporation and Director of the Business Council of Canada.

The themes at the heart of the business world recommendations will be resource efficiency, inclusive growth and the growth of small businesses. The works will be focused, also in continuity with the 2018 edition of B7 organized in Rome by Confindustria, on the exploitation of natural resources, the circular economy and energy efficiency; the priorities of trade and investment with in terms of sustainability and social inclusion; the renewal of the global entrepreneurial agenda with particular attention to small and medium-entreprises and no longer traditionally oriented only on horizontal issues.

Perrin Beatty, President and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and chairman of the B7 business summit host committee, said with entusiasm: “The work of the B7 is vital to informing the policy decisions of our nations’ leaders and to creating the conditions required for business to grow, and our countries to prosper” 

The Italian delegation of Confindustria, which could be present in Quebec City, is composed of the president Vincenzo Boccia, Carlo Robiglio, president of Piccola Industria, Licia Mattioli, vice president for International Affairs, Giulio Pedrollo, vice president for Industrial Policy and general manager Marcella Panucci. 

The Final Declaration of the summit will be presented by the Canadian premier Justin Trudeau and presented and distributed at a joint press conference with all the leaders of the partecipating industrial organizations which will take place on April 6th.



G7 2018: how Canada is preparing and what to expect from its presidency

Canada, which appears at the upcoming G7 as the healthiest country among the greats, is ready to host the international summit. The agenda of the summit aims at inclusive growth, gender equality and climate change.

After 8 years since the last edition of the G7 in Canada, held in Muskoka in Ontario in June 2010, the North American country returns to preside over the Summit in 2018. The 44th G7 summit will take place in La Malbaie in Québec on 8 and 9 June 2018. The meeting will be led by the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Canada presents itself as the country that records the greatest economic growth among all member states: this is shown by the data on the main economic indicators reported by Consensus Economics and by the OECD, with a rate of + 1.9% from 2013 to 2016 and of + 2.5% in 2017 on real GDP, a low inflation rate stable at 1,4% (to 2016) and a growth perspective, estimated by the Legatum Institute, which sees it occupy the first place compared to the G7 and G20 countries.

For the 2018 edition, issues related to international trade, peace and security, the nuclear issue and sustainable development remain as sensitive as they were 8 years ago. Added to these are the topics in continuity with the Taormina 2017 meeting: the fight against climate change and the management of natural resources, the migration phenomenon and in particular thereduction of inequalities and the gender issue. 

The G7 2018 will see in the role of “Sherpa” Mr. Peter M. Boehm, Deputy Minister for the G7 Summit and Personal Representative of the Prime Minister, facing the 7 most advanced economies in the world (Canada, United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan) and European Union representatives.

The agenda is organized in ministerial meetings located in different cities and divided by topic, and the Presidents’ Summit (executive), scheduled for 8 and 9 June 2018 at La Malbaie, Charlevoix. On this occasion, the leaders of the member countries will meet for a comparison that allows to dictate the guidelines on international issues and which aims at further growth from the perspective of international cooperation.

On December 14th, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced what the “working together” will be at the center of ministerial meetings, which mostly reflect the interests pursued by Canadian policies in recent years:

● invest in the growth of the employment rate;

● to form a competent human capital in the work of today and tomorrow;

● implement intelligent gender policies aimed at achieving total equality and economic development;

● cooperate in the fight against climate change and the protection of water resources for clean energy;

● maintain international peace and security.

For the first time, the issues on the agenda will be dealt with the support of a cross-council, the Gender Equality Advisory Council, which will ensure constant protection of the principle of gender equality and women’s empowerment during all activities and the meeting that will be held between the leaders and the participating ministers. 

The Council will have the task of recommending concrete actions that promote women’s empowerment and will make use of the membership of women who have always worked for equal civil, moral and professional rights. Italy will be represented by Emma Bonino, President of WE-Women Empower the World and of the European Council on Foreign Relations in Rome. 


How Canada prepares for the G7

Waiting for the G7, Canada has provide a preparatory course and, in part, coaching for information and dissemination of the main issues, to establish a dialogue with the stakeholders and Canadian students who will collect the legacy of these policies and, not least, to involve public opinion on an event that will engage Canada throughout 2018.

In this regard, since last October, the federal government has organized meetings held by the sherpa, beginning with the “Simon Fraser” University in British Columbia, with a session that involved representatives of civil society, the local community, the business network, academics and students. In November, at the Advanced International Studies Center at the University of Laval, the G7 Canada’s priorities were publicly discussed through bilateral meetings with provincial representatives, student councils, local market leaders and residents. Finally, in December, the Sherpa met with delegations of university students and stakeholders at the University of Toronto, where he participated in a roundtable, organized in collaboration with the Canadian International Council (CIC) and the MunkSchool of Global Affairs, on the topic of international peace and security, as well as economic growth and employment issues.

The meetings for the Sherpa of the G7 Canada have intensified with the arrival of 2018 and in just 3 months has been able to deal with the counterparts of the member countries (in Waterloo and Victoria) and with the Canadian realities that play an important role in the society, among these the First Nations, local indigenous groups that today enjoy social respect and economic weight.