INNOWWIDE Call for Projects – Deadline March 31st

Are you an innovative Italian SME with the ambition to develop a new and innovative product-market combination (or process or service) with a strategic counterpart outside Europe? Do you need to first check the technical, commercial, legal and socio-economic feasibility?


The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is currently looking for Italian Innovative startups and SMEs to partner up in the call for proposals Innowide (deadline for applications March 31st 2020).

INNOWWIDE – Viability assessment of collaborative and INNOvative business solutions in WorldWIDE markets, is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to fund at least 120 European innovative SMEs and start-ups to conduct Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) in markets outside of Europe.

Each approved VAP will receive a fixed grant amount of €60,000, representing a maximum of 70% of total eligible costs (staff, consumables, equipment, subcontracting, others) which must be a minimum of €86,000. 50% will be disbursed at the beginning.

Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) are a comprehensive and coherent set of preliminary technical, market, legal and socioeconomic assessments intended to validate the viability of international, innovative businesses solutions.

If you:

  • Are an innovative European startup or SME operating in ANY SECTOR;
  • Are looking at Canada as a potential market;
  • Save 70% of your budget for extra-European business development.


[icons size=” custom_size=” icon=’fa-hand-o-right’ type=’normal’ position=” border=’yes’ border_color=” icon_color=” background_color=” margin=” icon_animation=” icon_animation_delay=” link=” target=’_self’] Contact us today at  to collaborate on a proposal together.



For more information please refer to the below documents.

[button size=” style=” text=’Guidelines’ icon=’fa-list’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]   [button size=” style=” text=’FAQ’ icon=’fa-question’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]   [button size=” style=” text=’Download the Call’ icon=’fa-download’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]




Call for Proposals – Canada-Italy Innovation Award 2019

[button size=’small’ style=” text=’View the Call in French’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’à-propositions-Prix-Canada-Italie-pour-lInnovation-2019.pdf’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=’right’ margin=”]



The Embassy of Canada to Italy is pleased to accept applications for the Canada-Italy Innovation
Award 2019. This award provides funding to Italian innovation experts, researchers, scientists,
startuppers, creative industries professionals, and innovative individuals to undertake a trip to
Canada to develop collaborative projects.



The Canada-Italy Innovation Award aims to develop new and existing relationships between
Canadian and Italian experts into long-term collaborations. Applications are open to Italian
individuals connected with Canadian counterparts, to be identified by applicants. Ideal outcomes
include joint publications and projects; student/researcher exchange programmes; sharing of
equipment, materials and facilities; exchange of skills and techniques; institutional linkages; applied
technology development; creative products and applications, and technology transfer. The
development of innovative models of collaboration is strongly encouraged. Initial outcomes should be delivered over the first 6 to 12 months following the visit and lead to the development of long-
term relationships.


Scope & Priority Areas

The Embassy of Canada to Italy aims to support the development of strong, targeted relationships
between leading individuals, researchers and institutions in Italy and their counterparts in Canada.
Projects considered for the award must address the sub questions detailed below. These are aligned
with the Government of Canada Policy and with the future challenge areas resulting from an
extensive foresight exercise led by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
(SSHRC). Please ensure your project responds to at least one of these objectives and sub questions.

  1. Diversity and Inclusion
    If you have an innovative idea, of all sorts, to improve Diversity and Inclusion in our societies, here is an opportunity for its promotion. Be creative!
    Definition of Diversity and Inclusion:
    Diversity is the range of human differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender,
    gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs.
    Inclusion means the full and meaningful participation of all people in the social, economic, cultural,
    civic and political life of their communities.
    Projects have to address one of the following objectives:

    • recognizing, preventing and eliminating disadvantage or discrimination; and
    • creating and maintaining a culture that supports a diverse, inclusive and welcoming society.
  2. An interconnected, evolving global landscape
    In order to thrive in the 21st century, we all require a deeper understanding of our own societies, including languages, cultures, histories, economic impacts, and processes of integration within our respective countries, between Canada and Italy, and with the world.
    Sub questions:

    • How might global events play out in local spaces, and how might they affect a country’s position in a rapidly evolving and shifting world?
    • How might changes in global trade patterns and international relations affect a country’s position?
    • How might increased understanding about interconnected dispersed communities affect a country economically, socially and culturally?
    • What deep, systemic knowledge of the world’s emerging regions might help a country respond to emerging opportunities and risks?
    • What does a country need in order to build resilience and safeguard stability, peace, and public security in the face of global shocks such as natural disasters and emerging conflicts
    • How might increased understanding of Canada’s model of a diverse civil society contribute to insights and understanding in every society impacted by migration in the 21st century?
  3. Emerging technologies
    New technologies are developing at breakneck speed. In order to benefit from, integrate and adapt
    to these technologies effectively, we need to understand their ethical, environmental, economic,
    legal and social implications. The world needs social scientists and humanities scholars to focus on
    these questions. By understanding how the latest tools can be used to both answer and ask
    questions, we as a society can stay ahead of the curve, mitigate risks and take advantage of
    emerging opportunities.
    Sub questions:

    • What is needed in order to maximize equitable access to information and communication technologies, foster digital literacy, and mitigate digital divides?
    • In what ways might emerging technologies affect the behavior of citizens in all aspects of their lives, institutions and governments?
    • Why does society need to understand the risks, opportunities and related ethical questions raised by the adoption of emergent and disruptive technologies (e.g., 3D printing, robotics, nanotechnology, fracking, drones)?
    • How can citizens, organizations and governments balance competing needs of security and privacy in an increasingly “open” society?
    • How might Canadians and Italians be affected by new developments in “big data,” data analytics and information management?
    • How might space exploration be important for the future of research, education, and inspiration?
  4. Global peak populationGlobal peak population is rekindling debates about population distribution, youth and aging,
    immigration, migration, urban versus rural lifestyles, societal values and “carrying capacity of the
    earth” with respect to resources, and climate change implications. In this context, what are the
    potential social, cultural, economic and environmental implications?
    Sub questions:

    • What do we need to understand in order to effectively nurture the next generations?
    • What might Canadian and Italian families look like in five, 10, and 20 years, and how might they measure their well-being?
    • Life cycle issues are challenging society. What are the future implications of state regulation
      from cradle to grave?
    • What effect will global migration have on our cities of the future?
    • How could changing demographics and migration affect rural and remote communities?
    • What are the potential impacts of global peak population with respect to energy and resource
      consumption and climate change?
  5. New ways of learning
    Canada and Italy, like many other countries, are at a tipping point in the way their education
    systems, especially higher education, are conceptualized, structured and delivered in light of the
    knowledge and skills required for the 21st century. Debates are emerging in the research community and other sectors regarding the best way to deliver that learning.
    Sub questions:

    • What knowledge, skills and delivery methods are required in order for the public education
      system to create an innovative, resilient and culturally rich society?
    • What aspirations and expectations will a diverse and global citizenry bring to work environments, jobs and labour markets of the future?
    • What conditions are needed for new models of research—particularly, co creation of knowledge with the public, private and/or not for profit sectors—to flourish?
    • What roles will emerging and/or disruptive information and communication technologies play in learning for individuals, institutions and society?
    • What role should individuals, institutions and governments play in promoting and supporting the life cycle of knowledge, including creation, accessibility, retention and mobilization, across
      sectors, both domestically and internationally?
    • How can we harness strength and innovation in the arts, digital media and cultural industries to build social, economic and cultural well-being?


Funding Scope

Awards are to support the applicant’s travel to Canada. The value of an award will be up to a maximum of €3,000 (EUR). Expenses that are eligible for reimbursement include economy class airfare (not premium economy), accommodation, local transportation and a €60 (EUR) per diem. No other costs will be considered.


Eligibility and Funding Criteria

The Canada-Italy Innovation Award is available to innovation experts, researchers, scientists,
startuppers, creative industries professionals, and innovative individuals collaborating with Canadian
partners. Private/public partnerships are encouraged.
Funding through the Canada-Italy Innovation Award is to support a short visit to Canada by the
Italian awardee.
Successful applicants will be required to complete a report immediately following the visit and must
commit to providing brief updates on follow-up activities and outcomes 6 and 12 months after the


Evaluation Criteria

Applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Degree of innovation of the proposed project
  • Quality of proposed outcomes and expected ability for their delivery
  • Relevance to Canadian priorities described above
  • Potential for significant, long-term collaboration
  • Potential to broaden the collaboration to a wider, institutional level
  • Use of creative / innovative collaboration models
  • Innovative use of research infrastructures

Special consideration will be given to applications that demonstrate why the proposed research would particularly benefit from an international collaboration.
Applications will be reviewed by the Embassy of Canada to Italy in collaboration with relevant


How to Apply

Applications should be made on the Canada-Italy Innovation Award application form and submitted
according to the instructions.


Disbursement of the Canada-Italy Innovation Award

Canada-Italy Innovation Award funds will be provided as reimbursement for incurred expenses.
Receipts, invoices, and expense summaries, as well as a letter by the Canadian partner, must be
returned together with a final report before payment will be issued. Disbursement of funds is
contingent upon return of all requested documentation.


Important Dates

April 1, 2019 (11:59 pm, Rome time) Deadline for applications
May 20, 2019 Announcement of Award winner(s)
November 15, 2019 Deadline for completion of Award travel to Canada
Within 2 weeks of return Final report and expenditure records due

Completed applications should be sent to
Please write “Canada-Italy Innovation Award” in the subject line of your message.
All applicants will receive by email first an acknowledgment of receipt of their submission and later a
notification of its status. Winners will be further notified and announced on the Embassy website and social media accounts. All other applicants will not be subject of additional
communications regarding their submission.