CILS B1 Preparation course (Online) – Friday evenings

This course is specifically crafted to familiarize you with the exam format and enhance your readiness. It kicks off on January 17th, every Friday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, spanning a 4-week duration. The course fee is 180$ GST. Completion of the Intermediate 2 course is recommended.

Here’s the exciting part – 100% of students who took this course successfully passed the exam! It’s meticulously tailored to align with the CILS exam format. Check out the course description below for more details.

What you will learn

  • Practice reading a variety of text types. The reading tasks include skimming for gist, scanning for details, understanding text structure/cohesion, deducing meaning from context and interpreting inference, attitude, and style, and completing notes, sentences, tables, summaries, and diagrams or flowcharts
  • Practice writing 150 words or more in length based on what the exam will require.
  • Practice different language tasks through a variety of activities, lectures, role-play, games, and assignments

Our instructors, certified by the CILS Centre and the test commission, possess extensive knowledge of the test format. They are well-equipped to provide a solid foundation for achieving optimal results. We are confident that this course will significantly contribute to your success in the CILS exam.


Benvenute e Benvenuti!
Content from previous CILS B1 exams


Friday evenings, FROM January 17 TO February 7, 2024
5:00 pm-7:00 pm PST
4 weeks – Classes meet once a week on Zoom


180$ (+ GST)

Course Cancellations

Please note that courses may be canceled by the school administration at any time due to low enrollment. Upon cancellation, registrants will receive a full refund.
For any further info about our cancellation policy please visit the Cancellation & Refund policy.

Apply for Prestigious “Ospitalita’ Italiana” Award: 20/21 Open Call [Italian Restaurants and Gelaterie]

Ospitalità Italiana Certification

Application for the Prestigious “Ospitalita’ Italiana” Certification is Now Open!


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The worldwide project aiming to certify Authentic Italian Restaurants abroad has been confirmed for 2020!

Ospitalità Italiana is a quality endorsement issued by Isnart to Italian restaurants all over the world that guarantees the respect of standards of Italian hospitality.

Why Ospitalita’ Italiana

Ospitalita’ Italiana main goals are:

  • Develop and promote the traditions of Italian food products and upgrade the culture of Italian food and wine;
  • Enhance the image of Italian restaurants abroad that guarantee respect of the quality standards of Italian hospitality;
  • Create an international network, providing for the realization of promotional events of Italian productive excellence.

Exciting Announcement

NEW!!! We are excited to announce that the certification is now also available for “Gelaterie”, and in the near future will be extended to “Pizzerie”.

How to Get Certified:

For more info about this project and how to apply, email or call 604.682.1410 (M/F 9 am -5 pm).


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