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The Team of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West in Turin

The Team of Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West in Turin,
at the 26th Convention of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad!
From the left:
Ilaria Baldan, Executive Director –
Vito Signati, Director of the Chamber of Commerce of Matera –
Giorgio Puppin, Italian Director –
Paolo Quattrocchi, Vice-president –
Celso Boscariol, President

Taking a trip to Italy and want to learn some basics of Italian?

Italiano per Turisti:

from November 16th to December 14th, 2017

This 5 weeks class is especially designed for travelers with no previous knowledge of Italian. Students will acquire a basic vocabulary that will help them overcome daily issues while travelling in Italy.

How to order from a menu, how to ask for street directions and book a hotel room are the main topics covered in this course.

No textbook required. Students will be provided with handouts and class materials.


To receive more information and to sign up please call us at 6046821410 or write to

Call for applications

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has announced the second annual Award for Italian researchers and startups operating abroad.

The award includes two categories:

  • The “Italian Bilateral Scientific Cooperation Award” to recognize an eminent Italian scientist who, in performing his/her research abroad, has made a remarkable contribution to the advancement of science and technology, thus improving Italy’s S&T relations with foreign countries and International Organizations;
  • The “Innovation that speaks Italian” award to recognize the highly innovative value of technology Startups, operating abroad and founded by Italian citizens.

The deadline for applications is October 27, 2017.


For more information, please visit the official website

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West, is celebrating this year its 25th Anniversary!
For this special occasion we have created Exclusive Membership Packages, specifically thought to fit your business needs!
To discover our Special Membership Packages, please choose one of the following options, according to your business activity:
Food Importers                    Restaurants & Pizzerias                        Designers
If you belong to another category or if you don’t identify with any of the previous categories, we have a customized offer for you, do not hesitate to write us at !
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West, within the framework of the Second Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, and in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver, Assocamerestero and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, is proud to present:
The Pizza Weeks!
 Pizza (1)
Taking place from November 20th to December 4th, the initiative is designed for Pizzerias and Restaurants in the Greater Vancouver Area and in Calgary.
During those two weeks, participating Pizzerias and Restaurants are invited to develop and promote a special two-week menu featuring Italian DOP & IGP products.
 Divider 2154993 960 720
If you are a Pizzeria or a Restaurant:
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West will sponsor the purchase of DOP & IGP products to Pizzerias and Restaurants that are ICCBC members, and promote initiatives and events of all participating businesses.
If you are a Food importer / Distributor / Vendor:
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West will refer your business to all participating Pizzerias and Restaurants for the purchase of products and promote your business through all Chamber’s channels.
By November 11th
Requirements to Apply:
–    Maximum $300 products (DOP & IGP products) purchase value.
–    Limited number of sponsorships available; priority for this special promotion will be given to Pizzerias.
–   Communication guidelines for the promotion of the menu and use of project logos must be followed.
–   Need to apply for ICCBC membership by November 11th, 2017.

Discover our Special Membership Packages for:   


Within “The True Italian Taste” project, our influencer Leeta Liepins has just spent an incredible week in Italy, discovering typical Italian food products in Emilia Romagna and Lombardia.

Leeta’s tour started in Parma where she visited the Parmigiano Reggiano PDO cheese factory and enjoyed a workshop about Italian Geographical Indication Consortia.

Afterwards, she reached the city of Modena, where she experienced a guided visit (and tasting!) to the vinegar cellar of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena PDO.

The adventure continued with the discovery of the authentic Prosciutto di Parma PDO at the International School of Italian Cuisine (ALMA), a visit at the production site and ancient aging cellars of Zibello Culatello at the Antica Corte Pallavicina, as well as a workshop about some exceptional Italian cheeses, Provolone Valpadana PDO, Quartirolo PDO, Taleggio PDO and Gorgonzola PDO.

Leeta’s journey ended on a “sweet note”, with a workshop about Cremonese Torrone at “Sperlari S.p.a.”, a visit at “Liuteria Cremonese Stefano Conia” and a stopover at the “Mostarda Exhibition” in Cremona.

Anyway, since food isn’t everything, Leeta couldn’t help spending her last moments in Italy enjoying fashion and shopping ….. in Milan, of course!!

Cheers from Italy!


To follow Leeta & to check out all her pictures from Italy : @LeanwithLeeta (twitter) , @leanwithleeta (instagram).

To learn more about the True Italian Taste Project, focused on the promotion of DOP & IGP products in North America, please follow this link:

November 7th, 2017 – A day dedicated to B2B meetings with Italian Chambers of Commerce!

The Italian Chamber of commerce in Canada -West will attend the 26th Convention of Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad that will be held in Turin- Italy from November 4th to November 7th, 2017.
The conference will bring together 78 representatives of Italian Chambers to share their experience and to discuss about market opportunities, as well as to present business services to Italian entrepreneurs and companies interested in internationalization and export.
On Tuesday, November 7th Italian companies are invited to join a free “Business to Business Meeting Day” with Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad.
Come and see us at our booth!
Link to the event’s website:

The Italian Chamber of Commerce meets the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne Minister of International Trade of Canada

The Italian Chamber of Commerce has met today the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne Minister of International Trade of Canada during visit to Vancouver, at the lunch organized by BC Chamber of Commerce at Vancouver Club.

During his speech, the Ministry reminded all guests of the upcoming historical date of September 21st as the coming into effect of CETA and the opening of Canada to a market of 500mln European consumers.


In the photo, from the left:

  • Ilaria Baldan, Executive Director of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West
  • Alex Martyniak, Business Development Manager at the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Executive Director at the EU Chamber of Commerce in Canada West
  • Hon. François-Philippe Champagne Minister of International Trade of Canada
  • Celso Boscariol, President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West
  • Enza Eppich, Ebco Industries, Director of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West
  • Richard Eppich, CEO and President of Ebco Industries


Sponsorship for designers/fashion retailers_November 5th-6th_Turin_Italy

The Italian Chamber of commerce in Canada-West will attend the 26th Convention of Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad that will be held in Turin– Italy from November 4th to November 7th.

The conference will bring together 78 representatives of Italian Chambers to share their experience and to discuss about market opportunities, as well as to present business services to Italian entrepreneurs and companies interested in internationalization and export.

The program will include plenary sessions, panel discussions and bilateral meetings.

We are currently preselecting buyers operating in the fashion/design industry to invite them to participate the Conference and the b2b meetings.

Specific sectors: 

  • High end Interior design/home furnishing
  • Jewellery & Accessories
  • Textile – fabrics/manufacturing machines/sportswear
  • Apparel

Selected participants will be offered the following incentives:

  • 2- night (Nov 5-6) hotel accommodation
  • Daily meals
  • Local transfers
  • Business matching and customized B2B agenda


If you wish to participate in this initiative please fill out the online application form and send it to by Friday, September 8th and you will be notified if accepted.

Please note that qualified companies will be chosen on a first-come-first-served basis, and in the selection process preference will be given to corporate and business members of the Chamber.