Gourmet Gelato Class

Yesterday evening took place at VCC the second to last class of this cycle, about Gelato. The students learned how to make Gelato easily thanks to two expert instructors.

Here you can find the photos of the class!

Next week there will be the last lesson where the participants will travel among Italian cuisine through lots of different recipes. Don’t miss this opportunity.

To sign up please write @csculinary@vcc.ca or call 604 871 7000

Congrats to Chef Pino!

The President of Italy Sergio Mattarella named a Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy Chef Pino Posteraro.

This honour recognizes individuals who promote Italian prestige and good relations internationally. Chef Pino Posteraro, with his restaurant Cioppino’s, located in the centre of Vancouver, aims to enhance the italian cuisine and to educate the Canadian chefs in Italian culinary techniques and history.

Congrats to Chef Pino!

Summer Camps in Canada

We share with you this opportunity!

UvanU, an educational agency operating mostly in Canada, is organizing these summer camps for this summer.

If you want to improve your English with intensive classes, but also immerse yourself in the beautiful Canadian summer joining various activities this is the right choice.

You can choose between Vancouver and Toronto and more important there are possibilities for people of every age.

To get more information please click here!


Third class: All About Wine

This time our students have dealt with the wine and food pairing in order to experience the best from their special dinners.

While Chef Giovanni Trigona was cooking some special dishes, the wine expert Tyler teached the secrets about the art to combine food with the perfect wine.

Thanks to the Consulate of Italy that provided the selection of Italian wine.

You can find the photos of the evening here.

Next class will be very sweet! You can’t miss it. You will learn how to make the handmade gelato. It will take place at VCC next Tuesday, the 20th.

For registration please write @ csculinary@vcc.ca or call 604 871 7000.

The Victoria Film Festival brings the world to Victoria’s door by programming a diverse selection of Canadian and international films. The Italian movie Let yourself go has been played on February 3rd. On that occasion the Chamber, in collaboration with the General Consulate of Italy in Vancouver, has organized a tasting with a selection of Italian EVOO, Salame calabrese and Prosciutto di Parma to promote the excellence of the authentic Italian products. The activity has been financed by the True Italian taste Project.

Photos available by clicking here

“All About Pizza” class

The pizza class was a success!

The students learned how to make the real Italian pizza teached by the Chef Giuseppe Cortinovisi and the unavoidable Chef Giovanni Trigona!

Check the photos of the night here, you will see some great creations of our students!

The next wine class will be on Tuesday 13th and it will be unmissable! There are few spots available.

To reserve a spot contact the VCC – Vancouver Community College at the e-mail csculinary@vcc.ca or phone 604 871 7000

The first class, “All About Pasta”

The Italian Master Class Series has finally began this week with the “All About Pasta” class.

Thanks to all the participants and teachers it was a success!

They took on with the preparation, from the dough to the cooking and obviously the taste, of some differents types of pasta.

The next class of this cycle will be on February Tuesday 6th and it will concern how to make the perfect Italian pizza.

If you want to see the photos of the evening click here.

An heartfelt thanks to our Chef Giovanni Trigona e Sergio Cinti.

For more information about the classes please write at iccbc@iccbc.com

[:it]Emilia-Romagna in Vancouver_settore Moda e Lusso[:]

[:it]La Camera di Commercio italiana in Canada Ovest ha risposto con successo al bando “Progetti di promozione del sistema produttivo regionale sui mercati esteri europei ed extra-europei“, promosso dalla Regione Emilia Romagna per promuovere il sistema produttivo regionale, sostenendo ed espandendo le opportunità commerciali, di collaborazione industriale e di investimento delle PMI dell’Emilia-Romagna sui mercati internazionali.

Il progetto Emilia-Romagna in Vancouver è risultato tra i vincitori e ammissibile quindi al finanziamento regionale.

La Camera di commercio sta selezionando aziende emiliane che operano nel settore moda e lusso per la partecipazione al Salone Internazionale Luxury Home & Design Show che si terrà a Vancouver dal 3 al 6 maggio 2018.

Adesioni entro il 16 Febbraio 2018

Per informazioni e adesioni iccbc@iccbc.com


[:it]LAZIO MEETS CANADA_scadenza adesione 28 febbraio [:]

[:it]Con il bando PROSPEX, finanziato dal POR FESR 2014-2020, la Regione Lazio intende favorire l’internazionalizzazione delle PMI consentendo loro di acquistare, con un contributo a fondo perduto del 50%, servizi qualificati offerti da operatori specializzati selezionati e inseriti in un apposito catalogo regionale di Progetti Strutturati di Promozione dell’Export, con servizi e tariffe predefinite (PROSPEX).

La Regione Lazio ha approvato l’elenco dei progetti che costituiscono il Terzo Catalogo Regionale per i PROSPEX (Progetti Integrati per l’internazionalizzazione).  La Camera di commercio italiana in Canada-Ovest ha presentato quattro progetti, tutti sono stati approvati e inseriti nel terzo Catalogo regionale PROSPEX.


  • Start-up e PMI innovative
  • Industria creativa e digitale, Animation, VR/AR
  • Life sciences
  • Food & Wine

Per approfondimenti sulle attività proposte, cliccare qui

La scadenza per la presentazione delle richieste di adesione al Terzo Catalogo PROSPEX da parte delle PMI è il 28 febbraio. I PROSPEX si attivano nel periodo compreso fra l’1 giugno e il 30 settembre 2018.

Le PMI interessate a partecipare al PROSPEX fra quelli inseriti nel Terzo Catalogo devono presentare richiesta a Lazio Innova, compilando il Formulario attraverso la piattaforma GeCoWEB seguendo la procedura indicata nell’Avviso Pubblico.

Per tutte le informazioni consultare la pagina dedicata o scrivere a iccbc@iccbc.com[:]