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The first class, “All About Pasta”

The Italian Master Class Series has finally began this week with the “All About Pasta” class.

Thanks to all the participants and teachers it was a success!

They took on with the preparation, from the dough to the cooking and obviously the taste, of some differents types of pasta.

The next class of this cycle will be on February Tuesday 6th and it will concern how to make the perfect Italian pizza.

If you want to see the photos of the evening click here.

An heartfelt thanks to our Chef Giovanni Trigona e Sergio Cinti.

For more information about the classes please write at

[:it]Emilia-Romagna in Vancouver_settore Moda e Lusso[:]

[:it]La Camera di Commercio italiana in Canada Ovest ha risposto con successo al bando “Progetti di promozione del sistema produttivo regionale sui mercati esteri europei ed extra-europei“, promosso dalla Regione Emilia Romagna per promuovere il sistema produttivo regionale, sostenendo ed espandendo le opportunità commerciali, di collaborazione industriale e di investimento delle PMI dell’Emilia-Romagna sui mercati internazionali.

Il progetto Emilia-Romagna in Vancouver è risultato tra i vincitori e ammissibile quindi al finanziamento regionale.

La Camera di commercio sta selezionando aziende emiliane che operano nel settore moda e lusso per la partecipazione al Salone Internazionale Luxury Home & Design Show che si terrà a Vancouver dal 3 al 6 maggio 2018.

Adesioni entro il 16 Febbraio 2018

Per informazioni e adesioni


[:it]LAZIO MEETS CANADA_scadenza adesione 28 febbraio [:]

[:it]Con il bando PROSPEX, finanziato dal POR FESR 2014-2020, la Regione Lazio intende favorire l’internazionalizzazione delle PMI consentendo loro di acquistare, con un contributo a fondo perduto del 50%, servizi qualificati offerti da operatori specializzati selezionati e inseriti in un apposito catalogo regionale di Progetti Strutturati di Promozione dell’Export, con servizi e tariffe predefinite (PROSPEX).

La Regione Lazio ha approvato l’elenco dei progetti che costituiscono il Terzo Catalogo Regionale per i PROSPEX (Progetti Integrati per l’internazionalizzazione).  La Camera di commercio italiana in Canada-Ovest ha presentato quattro progetti, tutti sono stati approvati e inseriti nel terzo Catalogo regionale PROSPEX.


  • Start-up e PMI innovative
  • Industria creativa e digitale, Animation, VR/AR
  • Life sciences
  • Food & Wine

Per approfondimenti sulle attività proposte, cliccare qui

La scadenza per la presentazione delle richieste di adesione al Terzo Catalogo PROSPEX da parte delle PMI è il 28 febbraio. I PROSPEX si attivano nel periodo compreso fra l’1 giugno e il 30 settembre 2018.

Le PMI interessate a partecipare al PROSPEX fra quelli inseriti nel Terzo Catalogo devono presentare richiesta a Lazio Innova, compilando il Formulario attraverso la piattaforma GeCoWEB seguendo la procedura indicata nell’Avviso Pubblico.

Per tutte le informazioni consultare la pagina dedicata o scrivere a[:]



Your Business On Our City Tonight Tv Show!


Our City Tonight TV Show PromotionICCBC has had a long partnership with the weekly television show, “Our City Tonight”. The show airs Sundays at 10:30am on CHEK TV, a local station with a national reach into 6 million homes.

Hosted by Jim Gordon and Leeta Liepins, “Our City Tonight” covers entertainment, fashion, food & wine events, lifestyle, local business, health & wellness and tourist attractions. Leeta has been an Ambassador of the Extraordinary Italian Taste in Vancouver, and has travelled to Italy to visit Consortium, food manufacturers and artisans in Emilia-Romagna and Lombardia regions.


We would like to offer your business the exclusive opportunity to participate in a segment of “The Italian Moment “series on “Our City Tonight” TV.


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Promote Your Business On Chek TV
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What you get


  • 6 min TV Segment;
  • Interview at your premises;
  • 2 airings nationally over 2 weekends;
  • Video on ICCBC website and social media;
  • Copy of the video segment to use on your channels;
  • Exclusive participation in the Extraordinary Italian Taste project.


Cost for TV Segment/video is $1800.00 plus GST – ONLY FOR ICCBC MEMBERS

Cost for TV Segment/video is $2000.00 plus GST – FOR NON-MEMBERS


On Monday November 20th, 2017 a special event took place at Il Centro – the Italian Cultural Center of Vancouver.

The Consulate General of Italy in Vancouver, in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Centre and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in CanadaWest, presented a showcase of authentic culinary products from Tuscany, masterfully transformed into a multi-course dinner by the teachers and students of the Culinary and Hospitality Institute “F. Datini” of Prato, Tuscany.

The culinary school’s delegation was in Vancouver together with staff and students from the “R. Levi Montalcini” School of Tourism of Acqui Terme, Piedmont, as part of the larger “Made in Italy” project, aiming to introduce and promote more specialty foods of Italy in several countries worldwide.

Thank you for joining this event ans special thanks to everyone who helped and contributed to making this dinner a fabulous success!

The Team of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West in Turin

The Team of Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West in Turin,
at the 26th Convention of Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad!
From the left:
Ilaria Baldan, Executive Director –
Vito Signati, Director of the Chamber of Commerce of Matera –
Giorgio Puppin, Italian Director –
Paolo Quattrocchi, Vice-president –
Celso Boscariol, President

Taking a trip to Italy and want to learn some basics of Italian?

Italiano per Turisti:

from November 16th to December 14th, 2017

This 5 weeks class is especially designed for travelers with no previous knowledge of Italian. Students will acquire a basic vocabulary that will help them overcome daily issues while travelling in Italy.

How to order from a menu, how to ask for street directions and book a hotel room are the main topics covered in this course.

No textbook required. Students will be provided with handouts and class materials.


To receive more information and to sign up please call us at 6046821410 or write to

Call for applications

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has announced the second annual Award for Italian researchers and startups operating abroad.

The award includes two categories:

  • The “Italian Bilateral Scientific Cooperation Award” to recognize an eminent Italian scientist who, in performing his/her research abroad, has made a remarkable contribution to the advancement of science and technology, thus improving Italy’s S&T relations with foreign countries and International Organizations;
  • The “Innovation that speaks Italian” award to recognize the highly innovative value of technology Startups, operating abroad and founded by Italian citizens.

The deadline for applications is October 27, 2017.


For more information, please visit the official website

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West, is celebrating this year its 25th Anniversary!
For this special occasion we have created Exclusive Membership Packages, specifically thought to fit your business needs!
To discover our Special Membership Packages, please choose one of the following options, according to your business activity:
Food Importers                    Restaurants & Pizzerias                        Designers
If you belong to another category or if you don’t identify with any of the previous categories, we have a customized offer for you, do not hesitate to write us at !