This week, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West (ICCCW) successfully hosted here in Vancouver Philipp Breitenberger of the Italian Kiwiny brand, producers of quality organic Kiwis and Kiwi product lines.

The reason behind this introductory trade meeting has been to introduce Canadian food distributors to Kiwini’s premium Italian fruits and products and assist Kiwiny founders explore Canada (namely Canada West) market opportunities for their tasty and refreshing kiwis, smoothies and juices which are 100% organic and 100% made and processed in Italy! You can learn more about Kiwiny here

In the above photo, we are at the Vancouver Fashion Week 2019 on a Kiwi Green screen. From left to right: Ilaria Baldan executive director of the ICCCW, Philipp Breitenberger Ceo of Kiwiny, and Alex Martyniak Marketing and Business Development Manager of ICCCW.