[:it]3 borse di rientro nel progetto “Culture Across the Pond: cross – cultural design e inclusione sociale”[:]

[:it]La Camera di Commercio Italiana in Canada Ovest è partner del progetto “Culture Across the Pond: cross – cultural design e inclusione sociale”, finanziato all’interno del progetto INN Veneto – Una community di talenti per il Veneto del 2030. Nell’ambito di tale progetto, si procede alla pubblicazione dell’avviso relativo all’apertura dei termini per la presentazione di candidature per la copertura di 3 borse di rientro.

Per scaricare l`avviso clicca qui.[:]

Sincere Thanks to Everyone Who Made the Extraordinary Emilia Romagna Gala Such a Success!

On behalf of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West team and our partners, we extend a sincere thanks to the sponsors, participating Italian companies, the chefs, exhibitors, our valued members, and all food enthusiasts who attended the Gala dinner and pasta show of November 21st!
We expect that the energy and excitement of the day will generate better understanding of the Authentic Italian Taste.

L`Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West ha il piacere

Cari connazionali,
Mercoledi’, 12 dicembre p.v. al Centro Culturale Italiano, sala osteria, ore 19:OO la Senatrice Francesca Alderisi incontra la nostra Comunita’.
L’occasione e’ propizia per dialogare e far presente tutte le nostre istanze alla nostra Senatrice, e da parte sua, ci informera’ sull’azione di Governo
In favore degli Italiani all’estero.
Seguira’ un momento conviviale con un rinfresco.

Vi aspettiamo tutti.

Vancouver Li’ 03-12-2018


Rocco Di Trolio Cav. Ezio Bortolussi


[:it]Il trattato di libero scambio nord americano favorirà anche il vino italiano[:]

[:it]L’USMCA, versione 2.0 del trattato di libero scambio nord americano NAFTA (Canada, USA e Messico) presenta una particolarità inaspettatamente favorevole ai vini italiani.

Il trattato, infatti, è accompagnato da una lettera dove il Canada si impegna a prendere le disposizioni del caso per permettere ai vini americani, e di conseguenza anche ai vini importati da altri paesi, di essere venduti nei negozi alimentari del British Columbia.

Dal 2015, la provincia del British Columbia, dove vige un sistema monopolistico per la vendita dell’alcol, permette la vendita di vini, ma solo di vini prodotti localmente, in alcuni negozi alimentari. Ritenendo la misura discriminatoria verso i prodotti importati, due reclami sono stati presentati a suo tempo presso il WTO contro il Canada, di cui uno a firma americana. Giova ricordare che il British Columbia, con 4.300 ettari coltivati a vigna, ha un’importante produzione locale ed una quota di mercato delle vendite di vino nella provincia superiore al 53%, contro il 9,9% per i vini americani e il 5,8% per i vini italiani.

Grazie all’USMCA il Canada si è impegnato, da qui al 1 novembre 2019, a fare modificare il regolamento provinciale per permettere la vendita nei negozi alimentari non solo del vino locale, ma anche di quello importato.

Gli Stati Uniti da parte loro provvederanno invece a mettere fine alle procedure avviate presso il WTO. Ad oggi sono solo 28 negozi alimentari, su oltre più 1.000 dettaglianti, che vendono i vini prodotti dalla provincia.

Ringraziamo l`ICE di Montreal per l`utile informazione![:]

This week, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West (ICCCW) successfully hosted here in Vancouver Philipp Breitenberger of the Italian Kiwiny brand, producers of quality organic Kiwis and Kiwi product lines.

The reason behind this introductory trade meeting has been to introduce Canadian food distributors to Kiwini’s premium Italian fruits and products and assist Kiwiny founders explore Canada (namely Canada West) market opportunities for their tasty and refreshing kiwis, smoothies and juices which are 100% organic and 100% made and processed in Italy! You can learn more about Kiwiny here www.kiwiny.com

In the above photo, we are at the Vancouver Fashion Week 2019 on a Kiwi Green screen. From left to right: Ilaria Baldan executive director of the ICCCW, Philipp Breitenberger Ceo of Kiwiny, and Alex Martyniak Marketing and Business Development Manager of ICCCW.


Registration Open for ECOMONDO – KEY ENERGY

The Trade Commissioner Service in Italy is happy to invite interested canadian companies to take part in the Canada stand at Ecomondo-Key Energy, which will take place in Rimini (Italy) from November 6-9, 2018.


Canada will be present with a 50 m2 flagship stand where Canadian companies will have the opportunity to showcase their technology to an international audience made up of key decision-makers and professionals while taking advantage of the structured coordination and organization of the Trade Commissioner Service in Italy. In addition, your company will be inserted in all web-based and paper material and be featured in a social media campaign prior to and during the event.


Ecomondo-Key Energy is the leading Italian green and circular economy expo with an international focus on Southern Europe and Mediterranean area, the Balkans and the Middle East. Under one umbrella, it encompasses all sectors of the circular economy: from material and energy recovery to sustainable development. In 2017, Ecomondo-Key Energy registered the presence of over 116,000 visitors (up 10% from last year) and 1,200 exhibitors in a space of 113,000 m2 with more than 200 events, 12,000 international visitors and 11,000 experts and professionals in the cleantech sector.

[button size=” style=” text=’Presentation & Stats’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’https://en.ecomondo.com/ecomondo/info/presentation’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]



With a population of over 60 million inhabitants and GDP of $1.9 trillion, Italy is one of the largest economies in Europe. Climate change, mitigation and adaptation, urban air quality, waste management, reclamation, ground water pollution and over-exploitation, and hydro-geological instability are issues Italy is currently tackling. As for energy, in 2016 renewable energy covered 17.6% of Italy’s primary energy consumption and 38% of the whole Italian electric power demand.


The contribution from the companies is C$1,500. However, Global Affairs Canada is helping pay for 50% of the travel cost. This is done through Ecotech Quebec who has requested and received the funds but can support companies also from other Provinces.

See attached the fillable form as well as the Agreement to send the contribution to the Embassy. For information regarding the reimbursement of the travel cost I will introduce the interested company to Ecotech Quebec who will manage this part.


Travel and hotel expenses will be covered by participants. The Trade Commissioner Service in Italy will book the pre-selected hotel at a special rate.



For further information and registration contact:

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Patrizia Giuliotti
Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Canada
Tel: +39 06-85444.3352

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Ruggero Zen
Délégation du Québec in Rome
Tel: +390642034501
