Join the Domenica Fiore Feeds Vancouver Campaign

Help Feed Those in Need

Stock up on the world’s finest olive oil and help Vancouver’s most vulnerable. We’re all in this together.

The Domenica Fiore Feeds Vancouver Campaign goes until May 24th

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The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is pleased to share the below ‘Feed Vancouver’ campaign by our member, Domenica Fiore. Domenica Fiore is producer of premium Made in Italy extra virgin olive oils. Each bottle of premium olive oil is numbered and dated showing when the olives were harvested, which orchard they were harvested from as well as when they were milled. Domenica Fiore’s premium oils are certified organic by QCertificazioni, which is regulated by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, and by Canada.

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Since the COVID-19 crisis began, Vancouver’s most vulnerable citizens have become increasingly isolated and at risk of not getting the nourishment they need.

  • Many seniors do not feel safe going out and have limited ability to obtain food.
  • Some people residing in assisted living facilities no longer have access to the low cost food.
  • And a number of childrens’ school meal programs have been suspended.

To help address these growing issues, now when you buy selected Domenica Fiore olive oil, 50% of the purchase price will be donated to provide nourishing meals to these vulnerable groups.

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How to Help


  1. Select the olive oil(s) that you would like to purchase
  2. Place your order
  3. We’ll donate 50% of the purchase price of your order to The Giustra Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Feeding Initiative.


[button size=” style=” text=’About Domenica Fiore EVO’ icon=’fa-cutlery’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

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Feed Vancouver’s Most Vulnerable Photo


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Feed Vancouver’s Most Vulnerable Italian Olive Oil

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Products Available


  1. Reserva
  2. Novello
  3. Veritas
  4. Monaco

Each olive oil comes in a 500ml bottle.

[button size=” style=” text=’Order Now’ icon=’fa-cart-plus’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]


Who This Helps

Fifty percent of your purchase price goes to The Giustra Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Feeding Initiative.

By working with community groups like Streetohome Foundation, Food Stash and Vancouver Food Runners, The Giustra Foundation is able to identify the people in our city who are suffering most. These include seniors, single mothers and children in particular. Many recipients are living in low income housing facilities and have lost access to low cost food sources. These meal programs provide one or two fulfilling meals a day, depending on specific needs.

About the Giustra Foundation

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Giustra Foundation has been working closely with other non-profits, the private sector and government in Vancouver to establish an emergency feeding initiative that provides healthy meals to low-income women and children, vulnerable seniors and others in need in our community.

For over two decades, The Giustra Foundation has supported innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing humanitarian and economic challenges.

[button size=” style=” text=’Visit Domenica Fiore Shop’ icon=’fa-cart-plus’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]


Communication by Francesca La Marca, North and Central America MP in Italy

Authentic Italian Table Emila Romagna Dinner Officials

As we are happy to share bellow the communication by Francesca La Marca, Italian MP representing the Electoral College of North and Central America, we would also like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for her efforts in supporting the Italian Chambers Abroad.


[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’55’ color=” background_color=” border_color=”]T[/dropcaps]he Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West would like to thank On. Francesca La Marca and On. Fucsia Nissoli for their intervention in the Italian Parliament in regards to the decree Cura Italia, supporting the the Italian Chambers of Commerces Abroad.

The Italian Chambers Abroad is a network comprised of 79 Italian Chambers of Commerces in 56 countries around the world with 160 offices and 20.000 members, 88% of which are local Italian companies. The network contributes strongly to the economic growth of Italy by developing more than 300.000 business contacts year after year.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is a non for profit local organization, and therefore, as this pandemic is deeply affecting all Italian businesses, our organization is suffering as a result as a as well.

We must keep our network strong and support “Made in Italy” and Italian Export around the globe. It is very important right now to feel that Institutions are on our side, while we humbly keep working, as hard as ever, our heads down, our spirit high, and our resilience strong.


[button size=” style=” text=’Download Full Letter’ icon=’fa-download’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

24 APRILE 2020


Il Governo, in occasione del passaggio alla Camera del Decreto “Cura Italia”, ha accolto il mio ordine del giorno nel quale invito a inserire leCamere di Commercio italiane all’estero (CCIE) tra i soggetti attuatori dei piani operativi previsti per il sostegno dell’internazionalizzazione,finanziati dal fondo istituito a tale scopo presso il MAECI.

In questo momento di drammatica emergenza, anche economica, Governo e maggioranza hanno giustamente deciso di dare un impulso più deciso alla presenza delle nostre aziende nel mercato globale e al Made in Italy. A tale scopo, tra l’altro, saranno messe in campo due campagne, rispettivamente di natura informativa e di natura promozionale, che saranno realizzate con il ricorso all’ICE e all’ENIT.

Non c’è ragione per cui le 74 Camere di Commercio italiane all’estero che, lo ricordo, sono presenti in 53 Paesi e associano 20.000 imprese, non debbano concorrere a questo sforzo che il Paese intende compiere, mettendo a disposizione il loro potenziale operativo e di conoscenza delle realtà locali, verso le quali le azioni del nostro Paese si rivolgono.

Sono contenta di questo passo in avanti non per il fatto di vedere riconosciuta una mia iniziativa parlamentare, quanto per la convinzione chemettendo in campo le forze reali che l’Italia ha nel mondo possiamo fare il bene del Paese e contribuire in modo molto significativo a superare le gravi difficoltà che ci troviamo ad affrontare.

Si tratterà ora di verificare che la disponibilità espressa dal Governo trovi effettiva corrispondenza nelle azioni che saranno adottate dalle strutture centrale e periferica del nostro Ministero degli esteri e che tutte le leve di cui l’Italia dispone per rafforzare la sua presenza all’estero siano effettivamente coinvolte e azionate per il bene comune.


ITALAMP COVID-19 Announcement

Please find below the Covid-19 announcement from our esteemed member ITALAMP in regards to accepting orders, order processing, and shipment.

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Dear Partners and Customers,

Following the provisions contained in the Ministerial Decree issued on Sunday 22 March, Italamp Srl announces the temporary closure of the Activity until Friday 3 April inclusive.

Shipments already scheduled will be guaranteed until Wednesday 25th of March.

The sales office and the technical office remain operational in “smart working” mode: for any information, we kindly ask you to write to:

New orders will be regularly processed and accepted during these days. Feel free to forward the purchase orders for obtaining a priority lane once the logistic service will be newly available.

Unless otherwise specified, the logistic service will restart on Monday 6th of April.

Italamp guarantees continuity of service by trying to respond to your requests.

We thank all the people who are working to allow us to return as soon as possible to our daily activities, waiting, do not hesitate to contact us for any information.

For now, LET’S STAY HOME, we’ll all be back soon.


Roberta Vitadello, General Manager

Italamp Srl


The attached products are available for immediate shipment upon production re-opening.


[button size=” style=” text=’Download Latest Stock List’ icon=’fa-download’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]


[:en]The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West is pleased to host delegates from San Martino Vini in Vancouver from OCT 17 to OCT 19 and will be present at our upcoming Flavours of Italy tasting event on OCT 19. The delegates will be here to discuss agency and distribution opportunities for the region of British Columbia.[:it]The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West is pleased to host delegates from San Martino Vini in Vancouver from OCT 17 to OCT 19 and will be present at our upcoming Flavours of Italy tasting event on OCT 19. The delegates will be meeting with interested wine merchants and distributors to find the right wine agents for the region of British Columbia.[:]

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Bringing the Best of Venice Craftsmanship to Vancouver (INNVeneto)

Northland Properties - INNVeneto Project
Within the program INNVeneto, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West in partnership with Venetica Coop. hosted representatives from two established Venetian Lighting companies: Mr. Marco Borile of Sogni Di Cristallo and Mr. Francesco Belloni of Italamp. During this successful trade mission, through the…

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Innveneto Project

Within the program INNVeneto, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West in partnership with Venetica Coop. hosted representatives from two established Venetian Lighting companies:  Mr. Marco Borile of Sogni Di Cristallo and Mr. Francesco Belloni of Italamp. During this successful trade mission, through the hosted events and meetings by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West, representatives met with potential distributors, partners, interested architects, interior designers as well as construction developers.

We hope that our guests enjoyed their stay in Vancouver as much as we enjoyed hosting them.

Thank you INNVeneto for making this possible!

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Ilaria Baldan ICCBC with Francesco Belloni Italamp


B2B Meeting With Italian Delegates

[:en]On the occasion of IDS – Interior Design Show, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is hosting three Italian companies in Vancouver from September 24th-27th.[:it]On the occasion of IDS – Interior Design Show, the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada is pleased to host and welcome below three Italian companies in Vancouver from September 24th-27th.[:]

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Sponsorship Announcement

As part of celebrating the relaunch of Italian Design Map, we are delighted to have sponsored the Sustainable Building Trends in European Architecture by Walas Innovation Centre on February 12th where latest European trends and their impact on the future Canada was discussed.

Guests heard from UNESCO speaker, Earth Charter contributor, World of Walas CEO Gerben van Straaten, and the President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West Celso Boscariol, while enjoying fantastic Italian food.

We will be participating in the Walas European Innovation Pavilion at Buildex 2019 (Vancouver, Convention Center, February 13th-14th, 2019) to present the online platform for Canadian business, which lets you discover genuine Italian design sources in Vancouver. If you are attending buildex make sure to visit us.