Culture Across the Pond Project

We are very proud to announce that the project “Culture Across the Pond” that the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West developed with Venetica Cooperativa Sociale has been approved for fundings under the INN Veneto Program.

The project aims at developing best practices for social innovation in the culture and design sector, and at developing partnerships between the Veneto cultural scene and British Columbia.

Has CETA Been Truly Effective In Boosting Bilateral Trades?

Nearly 10 months has passed since the implementation of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) on 21 September 2017.

CETA is a bilateral trade agreement between the EU and Canada that by removing 99% of customs duties bilaterally has aimed to boost bilateral trade and create predictable conditions for both EU and Canadian investors. But has it lived up to its objectives for top EU countries including Italy or has it mainly benefited Canadian companies? This has been an ongoing debate.

According to statistics provided by Christian Sivière of Solimpex to us, while the export from Canada to some European countries including France, UK (to be soon excluded from CETA), and Belgium has been reduced compared to the last year, import from all major European countries has seen an increase since the implementation of CETA.

Italy’s Export to Canada [Import to Canada Column on the Image] has seen an increase of 11% while its import from Canada [Export from Canada Column on the Image] has increased for 10% making Italy one of the top 4 beneficiaries of CETA agreement based on this statistics result when it comes to exporting  (after Belgium,  France, & Austria).  Same wise, italy ranks among the top 5 whose import from Canada [Export from Canada Column on the Image] has been positively affected by CETA.  Moreover, Italy is in the top 2 countries whose import to and export from Canada has been affected proportionally with 11% and 10% respectively preceded by Austria (14% for both import and export).

In short, while it may be too early to judge CETA’s performance, based on these statistics it is fair to conclude that CETA is already helping companies in the European Union including Italy to sell their products in Canada and compete with their Canadian competitors with less barriers in the Canadian Market.


Rome Gathering of Italian Chambers Abroad…

Ms. Ilaria Baldan, the Executive Director of Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is in Rome to attend the 18th Meeting of the General Secretaries of the CCIE by Assocamerestero.

On Tuesday, 4 July, at the NH Hotel Villa Carpegna, the one-to-one meetings were held by the delegates of the CCIE and the Companies.

Development of innovative services, communication, European planning are just some of the issues addressed during the first day of this gathering.

On top of it, the goal of this gathering for the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West has been to further strengthen chamber’s ability to promote its members’ activities and the activities related to our core projects namely the Extraordinary Italian Taste, Italian Design Map, Flavours of Italy, and Up for IT mentoring through collaboration, and exchange of ideas and practices.

This gathering concludes on July 5 2018. For more information please visit Assocamerestero Related News.

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Italian Chamber of Commerce Canada West’s Members and Friends are welcomed to share with us through our social media platforms the topics that they would like us to discuss and share as their representatives during this gathering.





Authentic Italian Table Vancouver Iccbc Team

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West would like to THANK YOU FOR JOINING US   AT THE AUTHENTIC ITALIAN PIAZZA AT THE DRIVE Sunday, June 10th, 2018.

We really hope you had fun, enjoyed the authentic italian food and that the event increased your knowledge and awareness of authentic Italian DOP & IGP products!!

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Authentic Italian Table at the Drive

Italian Chamber Of Commerce Canada West Thedrive

For the first time, Italian Day will feature an entire intersection dedicated to food and wine samplings presented by the Italian Chamber of Commerce as the ‘Authentic Italian Table’ Piazza, showcasing more than 10 stations with a variety of participants and products.

Taking up the whole depth of the Grant street intersection, the attraction will offer attendees an opportunity to experience authentic Italian food products, fine wines and liquors, and gastronomic delights created in collaboration with local chefs.


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Tickets to enter the Piazza can be purchased in advance via our Eventbrite page or on site at the festival. You receive 1 ticket FREE for every group of 10 !

Buy your ticket in advance to skip the line up!

[button size=” style=” text=’Buy Your Ticket Online to Avoid the Line Up’ icon=’fa-cutlery’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]



Food, Wine and Beverage Vendors at  the Authentic Italian Table piazza:


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Today, Italian cuisine is re-interpreted and reconstructed across the globe. The end result is that what Canadians may be familiar with as Italian food isn’t really Italian due to misused ingredients or using products without DOP and IGP certifications. The Authentic Italian Table is bringing back pure
flavours, celebrating certified Italian ingredients and bringing Canadians the extraordinary taste of
traditional dishes.


[vc_video link=’ ‘]


The program The Extraordinary Italian Taste – Promotion and Enhancement of the authentic Italian
agri-food products is promoted and financed by the Ministry of Economic Development in
collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West (ICCC) and other eight Italian
Chambers of Commerce in North America (Montreal, Toronto, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles,
Miami, New York and Mexico City).
The project is part of a national campaign whose main goal is to promote awareness in North
America about the authentic and certified agri-food Italian products, as in the continent
supermarkets’ shelves extensively host many products evoking Italy, neither having any connection
to Italy, nor involving an Italian manufacture.

To learn more about Italy’s project for the promotion of authentic Italian DOP and IGP products in North America, visit the official website of the project



Emerging Wines Of Europe EU Chamber Of Commerce Alex Martyniak General Manager

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West and our event collaborator, EU Chamber of Commerce in Canada West would like to THANK YOU FOR VISITING OUR BOOTH AT THE WINNIPEG WINE FESTIVAL Friday, May 11th, 2018.

We really hope you had fun, enjoyed the wine tasting and that the event increased your knowledge and awareness of the emerging wines of Italy!


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What is GDPR? Requirements, Deadlines and Facts

GDPR regulation requires all businesses worldwide that do business with EU to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens for transactions that occur within the EU member states. Non-compliance could cost companies a lump sum.


Here’s what you need to know about GDPR if you are doing business in Italy or in Europe.

The GDPR takes a wide view of what personal identification information constitutes of. To comply with GDPR, you will need the same level of protection for things like an individual’s IP address or cookie data as you do for name, address and Social Security number of your clients.

What is the GDPR?

GDPR carries provisions that require businesses to protect the personal data and privacy of EU citizens for transactions that occur within EU member states. The GDPR also regulates the exportation of personal data outside the EU. This privacy legislation imposes stricter requirements than its predecessor, the Data Privacy Directive, and is not open to interpretation by national governments.  The GDPR will affect Canadian organizations that offer goods or services to EU residents, even if they are based in Canada.

What types of privacy data is protected under GDPR ?

  • Basic identity information such as name, address and ID numbers
  • Web data such as location, IP address, cookie data and RFID tags
  • Health and genetic data
  • Biometric data
  • Racial or ethnic data
  • Political opinions
  • Sexual orientation


Does the GDPR affect my company?

Even if you do not have a business presence within the EU, if your company stores or processes personal information about EU citizens who live within the EU states you must comply with the GDPR.

You must comply with GDPR if :

  • A presence in an EU country or no presence in the EU, but it processes personal data of European residents.
  • More than 250 employees or fewer than 250 employees but its data-processing impacts the rights and freedoms of data subjects, is not occasional, or includes certain types of sensitive personal data

In other words, almost all companies that do business with/in the EU are affected by GDPR regulation.


When does my company need to be in compliance?

Companies that collect data on citizens in European Union (EU) countries will need to comply with strict new rules around protecting customer data by May 25. This deadline is moved to August 21st for Italy.


What if I don’t follow GDPR? What are the penalties?

GDPR comes with severe penalties for violations. Breaches could result in a fine of up to 20 million Euros or four percent of your company’s worldwide revenue, whichever is higher. Frequent breaches of the regulations and failure to address the issue can even result in higher fines of up to €40 million.


How will the fines be enforced?

GDPR enforcement will be up to the national data protection authorities in each jurisdiction. Be mindful of the fact that your company can be sued privately as well, which means that non-compliance can be costly, even if your company doesn’t get fined by their Relevant Data Protection Authority.


Defining Roles in accordance to GDPR

The GDPR defines several roles that are responsible for ensuring compliance:

  • Data Controller; defines how personal data is processed and the purposes for which it is processed. The controller is also responsible for making sure that outside contractors comply.
  • Data Processor; may be the internal group that maintains and processes personal data records or an outsourcing firm that performs all or part of those activities. The GDPR holds processors liable for breaches or non-compliance.
  • Data Protection Officer (DPO);  The GDPR requires the controller and the processor to designate a DPO to oversee data security strategy and GDPR compliance.

It’s possible, then, that both your company and processing partner such as a cloud provider will be liable for penalties even if the fault is entirely on the processing partner.


Do I need to appoint a DPO?

Companies are required to have a DPO if they process or store large amounts of EU citizen data, process or store special personal data, regularly monitor data subjects, or are a public authority. Some public entities such as law enforcement may be exempt from the DPO requirement.

Does the GDPR affect third-party and customer contracts?

Your company must inform customers of their rights under GDPR.

As for third parties, if a third-party processor does not comply with GDPR, you will be held liable. It has strict rules for reporting breaches that everyone in the chain must be able to comply with.

It means all existing contracts with processors (including cloud providers) and customers need to spell out responsibilities, define consistent processes for how data is managed and protected, and how breaches are reported.

You need to ensure that the whole grouping of vendors that have access to personal data of your clients are adhering to GDPR and processing the data accordingly.

Client contracts whether they are online click-throughs or formal agreements ,also need to reflect the regulatory changes on how you view, access, and process data.

If one of your vendors says, ‘You were hacked last night,’ you need to know who to call and how to respond as part of meeting the regulatory requirements with the 72-hour reporting window that the GDPR requires. You want a clearly defined path in the contract for the information to get to the person in your organization responsible for reporting the breach.






Masterclass on Italian food products

The Italian Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Assocamerestero and AICIG (Italian Association of Geographical Indication Consortium), organized an event aimed to promote and protect the PDO and PGI Italian Food products in Canada.

This year the focus was on Prosciutto di Parma, but there were much more products such as cheeses and olive oils. The food operators had the opportunity to delve into this products through a lesson and obviously also through a taste of the product.

Thanks to everyone that participated to the event and a special thank to Federico’s Supper Club and its staff for having hosted us!

For the photos of the event click HERE

For the presentations click HERE

“Culture of Italian Cuisine” class

The winter cycle of Italian culinary classes finished last week with a delicious evening when the students learned how to prepare, and obviously tasted, various dishes, for example three different risotto.

Here you can find the photos of the evening!

The next cycle will start in April with other five lessons on the Italian cuisine. Don’t miss it!

For more information and registration please write @ or call 604 871 7000