Join the Domenica Fiore Feeds Vancouver Campaign

Help Feed Those in Need

Stock up on the world’s finest olive oil and help Vancouver’s most vulnerable. We’re all in this together.

The Domenica Fiore Feeds Vancouver Campaign goes until May 24th

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The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is pleased to share the below ‘Feed Vancouver’ campaign by our member, Domenica Fiore. Domenica Fiore is producer of premium Made in Italy extra virgin olive oils. Each bottle of premium olive oil is numbered and dated showing when the olives were harvested, which orchard they were harvested from as well as when they were milled. Domenica Fiore’s premium oils are certified organic by QCertificazioni, which is regulated by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, and by Canada.

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Since the COVID-19 crisis began, Vancouver’s most vulnerable citizens have become increasingly isolated and at risk of not getting the nourishment they need.

  • Many seniors do not feel safe going out and have limited ability to obtain food.
  • Some people residing in assisted living facilities no longer have access to the low cost food.
  • And a number of childrens’ school meal programs have been suspended.

To help address these growing issues, now when you buy selected Domenica Fiore olive oil, 50% of the purchase price will be donated to provide nourishing meals to these vulnerable groups.

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How to Help


  1. Select the olive oil(s) that you would like to purchase
  2. Place your order
  3. We’ll donate 50% of the purchase price of your order to The Giustra Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Feeding Initiative.


[button size=” style=” text=’About Domenica Fiore EVO’ icon=’fa-cutlery’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

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Feed Vancouver’s Most Vulnerable Photo


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Feed Vancouver’s Most Vulnerable Italian Olive Oil

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Products Available


  1. Reserva
  2. Novello
  3. Veritas
  4. Monaco

Each olive oil comes in a 500ml bottle.

[button size=” style=” text=’Order Now’ icon=’fa-cart-plus’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]


Who This Helps

Fifty percent of your purchase price goes to The Giustra Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Feeding Initiative.

By working with community groups like Streetohome Foundation, Food Stash and Vancouver Food Runners, The Giustra Foundation is able to identify the people in our city who are suffering most. These include seniors, single mothers and children in particular. Many recipients are living in low income housing facilities and have lost access to low cost food sources. These meal programs provide one or two fulfilling meals a day, depending on specific needs.

About the Giustra Foundation

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Giustra Foundation has been working closely with other non-profits, the private sector and government in Vancouver to establish an emergency feeding initiative that provides healthy meals to low-income women and children, vulnerable seniors and others in need in our community.

For over two decades, The Giustra Foundation has supported innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing humanitarian and economic challenges.

[button size=” style=” text=’Visit Domenica Fiore Shop’ icon=’fa-cart-plus’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]


Communication by Francesca La Marca, North and Central America MP in Italy

Authentic Italian Table Emila Romagna Dinner Officials

As we are happy to share bellow the communication by Francesca La Marca, Italian MP representing the Electoral College of North and Central America, we would also like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for her efforts in supporting the Italian Chambers Abroad.


[dropcaps type=’square’ font_size=’55’ color=” background_color=” border_color=”]T[/dropcaps]he Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West would like to thank On. Francesca La Marca and On. Fucsia Nissoli for their intervention in the Italian Parliament in regards to the decree Cura Italia, supporting the the Italian Chambers of Commerces Abroad.

The Italian Chambers Abroad is a network comprised of 79 Italian Chambers of Commerces in 56 countries around the world with 160 offices and 20.000 members, 88% of which are local Italian companies. The network contributes strongly to the economic growth of Italy by developing more than 300.000 business contacts year after year.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is a non for profit local organization, and therefore, as this pandemic is deeply affecting all Italian businesses, our organization is suffering as a result as a as well.

We must keep our network strong and support “Made in Italy” and Italian Export around the globe. It is very important right now to feel that Institutions are on our side, while we humbly keep working, as hard as ever, our heads down, our spirit high, and our resilience strong.


[button size=” style=” text=’Download Full Letter’ icon=’fa-download’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

24 APRILE 2020


Il Governo, in occasione del passaggio alla Camera del Decreto “Cura Italia”, ha accolto il mio ordine del giorno nel quale invito a inserire leCamere di Commercio italiane all’estero (CCIE) tra i soggetti attuatori dei piani operativi previsti per il sostegno dell’internazionalizzazione,finanziati dal fondo istituito a tale scopo presso il MAECI.

In questo momento di drammatica emergenza, anche economica, Governo e maggioranza hanno giustamente deciso di dare un impulso più deciso alla presenza delle nostre aziende nel mercato globale e al Made in Italy. A tale scopo, tra l’altro, saranno messe in campo due campagne, rispettivamente di natura informativa e di natura promozionale, che saranno realizzate con il ricorso all’ICE e all’ENIT.

Non c’è ragione per cui le 74 Camere di Commercio italiane all’estero che, lo ricordo, sono presenti in 53 Paesi e associano 20.000 imprese, non debbano concorrere a questo sforzo che il Paese intende compiere, mettendo a disposizione il loro potenziale operativo e di conoscenza delle realtà locali, verso le quali le azioni del nostro Paese si rivolgono.

Sono contenta di questo passo in avanti non per il fatto di vedere riconosciuta una mia iniziativa parlamentare, quanto per la convinzione chemettendo in campo le forze reali che l’Italia ha nel mondo possiamo fare il bene del Paese e contribuire in modo molto significativo a superare le gravi difficoltà che ci troviamo ad affrontare.

Si tratterà ora di verificare che la disponibilità espressa dal Governo trovi effettiva corrispondenza nelle azioni che saranno adottate dalle strutture centrale e periferica del nostro Ministero degli esteri e che tutte le leve di cui l’Italia dispone per rafforzare la sua presenza all’estero siano effettivamente coinvolte e azionate per il bene comune.


Your deliveries with ParcelPal, SPECIAL DEAL for Our Members

The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West is close to small businesses in these difficult times and therefore we prepared a new exclusive deal together with our partner ParcelPal


ParcelPal is a delivery service company, catering food businesses, retail stores, liquor stores, restaurants and cafés in Vancouver lower mainland and Calgary area, expanding rapidly to new Canadian cities.

This special offer, exclusively reserved for our Business and Corporate Members, includes:

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Taste Of Italy Feature

[button size=’small’ style=” text=’Become a Member’ icon=’fa-diamond’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

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  • No platform setup fee ($1000 value)
  • Lower delivery fee (only 10%, discounted from regular 15% fee) on completed orders that ParcelPal gets
  • Special “Taste of Italy” featured positioning on ParcelPal App and website
  • Customized Social Media Campaign by Italian Chamber of Commerce on our promotional channels
  • Free access to data sharing on both the ParcelPal App and Website
  • In-store tablet to get orders for both offline and online orders
  • Pick up and deliver in one hour
  • Parcepal will take care of designing the store
  • Delivery Charges (paid by the person placing the order) are: $2.99 delivery cost per order for Restaurants, $3.99 delivery cost per order for Liquor and $6.99 delivery cost per order for Retail



  • Interested?

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Not a Member Yet?

If you are interested in this special offer, but you are not a member of the Chamber yet, discover our 2020 Membership packages, visit our membership page for more information, fill in, sign and send back to this FORM.

Already a Member?

If you are already a member of the Chamber, you can simply email Stefano at, to take advantage of the offer.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any further questions, and we will do our best to assist you.

ITALAMP COVID-19 Announcement

Please find below the Covid-19 announcement from our esteemed member ITALAMP in regards to accepting orders, order processing, and shipment.

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Dear Partners and Customers,

Following the provisions contained in the Ministerial Decree issued on Sunday 22 March, Italamp Srl announces the temporary closure of the Activity until Friday 3 April inclusive.

Shipments already scheduled will be guaranteed until Wednesday 25th of March.

The sales office and the technical office remain operational in “smart working” mode: for any information, we kindly ask you to write to:

New orders will be regularly processed and accepted during these days. Feel free to forward the purchase orders for obtaining a priority lane once the logistic service will be newly available.

Unless otherwise specified, the logistic service will restart on Monday 6th of April.

Italamp guarantees continuity of service by trying to respond to your requests.

We thank all the people who are working to allow us to return as soon as possible to our daily activities, waiting, do not hesitate to contact us for any information.

For now, LET’S STAY HOME, we’ll all be back soon.


Roberta Vitadello, General Manager

Italamp Srl


The attached products are available for immediate shipment upon production re-opening.


[button size=” style=” text=’Download Latest Stock List’ icon=’fa-download’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

COVID-19, Lombardia Region’s urgent international call for new medical devices

Given the SARS-coV-19 emergency, the Lombardy Region Procurement Office – the area most affected by the virus in Italy – has just launched an international call to find the medical devices necessary for health and socio-health facilities to face the next two months.

Here companies can find the list of materials required, for the protection of doctors and healthcare personnel. Among these, for example, protective suits, different types of masks, visors, devices for non-invasive lung ventilation, beds for intensive care units.

Those interested can contact the Purchasing Office of ARIA S.p.A. – the Regional Innovation and Purchasing Company or the central commission of the Lombardy Region – directed by Carmen Schweigl, to whom you can write to the email address

Also, please copy us at so we will be able assist all companies in the process, and facilitate communications in collaboration with the Embassy’s offices and Lombardy Region institutions.


[button size=” style=” text=’Click Here to View the List of Required Medical Supply’ icon=’fa-folder-open’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

INNOWWIDE Call for Projects – Deadline March 31st

Are you an innovative Italian SME with the ambition to develop a new and innovative product-market combination (or process or service) with a strategic counterpart outside Europe? Do you need to first check the technical, commercial, legal and socio-economic feasibility?


The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West is currently looking for Italian Innovative startups and SMEs to partner up in the call for proposals Innowide (deadline for applications March 31st 2020).

INNOWWIDE – Viability assessment of collaborative and INNOvative business solutions in WorldWIDE markets, is a Horizon 2020 project that aims to fund at least 120 European innovative SMEs and start-ups to conduct Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) in markets outside of Europe.

Each approved VAP will receive a fixed grant amount of €60,000, representing a maximum of 70% of total eligible costs (staff, consumables, equipment, subcontracting, others) which must be a minimum of €86,000. 50% will be disbursed at the beginning.

Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs) are a comprehensive and coherent set of preliminary technical, market, legal and socioeconomic assessments intended to validate the viability of international, innovative businesses solutions.

If you:

  • Are an innovative European startup or SME operating in ANY SECTOR;
  • Are looking at Canada as a potential market;
  • Save 70% of your budget for extra-European business development.


[icons size=” custom_size=” icon=’fa-hand-o-right’ type=’normal’ position=” border=’yes’ border_color=” icon_color=” background_color=” margin=” icon_animation=” icon_animation_delay=” link=” target=’_self’] Contact us today at  to collaborate on a proposal together.



For more information please refer to the below documents.

[button size=” style=” text=’Guidelines’ icon=’fa-list’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]   [button size=” style=” text=’FAQ’ icon=’fa-question’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]   [button size=” style=” text=’Download the Call’ icon=’fa-download’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]




Support for B.C. Businesses Affected by COVID-19

In over 2300 responses to the BC Chamber’s COVID-19 Business Impacts Survey, eighty percent of respondents said that their “revenue and deal flow” is dropping – and almost 90% think it will continue to fall.

Business is asking government for three things above all else:

  1. To work with banks and lending institutions to offer zero-interest loans, load guarantees, or lines of credit
  2. to be more flexible around timelines for tax remittances;
  3. to enhance EI access or wage replacement for employees.

In response to the survey feedback, the government of British Columbia is working to remove red tape and get cash flowing to the business community.

In the meantime, some immediate measures have been announced to assist with SME’s liquidity, operational concerns, and business continuity plans.

[button size=” style=” text=’Visit BC Chamber of Commerce website for Latest Update on Available Resources’ icon=’fa-file’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

Resources for Business

These resources are made available to mitigate immediate business costs. Note that restrictions may apply, so kindly defer to each organization’s website for details.

Financial Support/Relief

  • Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) has resources available including:
  • BC Hydro: The COVID-19 Customer Assistance Program provides customers the option to defer bill payments or arrange for flexible payment plans with no penalty. Customers are encouraged to call BC Hydro’s customer team at 1 800 BCHYDRO (1 800 224 9376) to discuss options.
  • CMHC is working to address mortgage payment difficulties. They’ve said on twitter that they are collaborating with lenders to allow payment deferral of up to six months.
  • Export Development Canada (EDC). In partnership with the federal government and Canadian banks, EDC will ensure customers impacted by COVID-19 have access to credit.


Operational/Staffing Support

  • Employment and Social Development Canada: Several measures are available to assist employees who have been laid off, or are unable to work due to quarantine. This includes: waiving the one-week waiting period for EI sickness benefits, and priority application processing for related claims.
  • Uber Eats: The company has created a support package to promote “contactless” delivery from local restaurants, which includes waiving delivery fees, and a daily payout option to assist restaurants with cash flow.
  • Work-Sharing Program: Work-Sharing is a federal government adjustment program designed to help employers and employees avoid layoffs when there is a temporary reduction in the normal level of business activity that is beyond the control of the employer. Temporary special measures have extended the maximum duration of work-sharing agreements from 38 weeks to 76 weeks for businesses affected by COVID-19


General Information


[button size=” style=” text=’Visit BC Chamber of Commerce website for Latest Update on Available Resources’ icon=’fa-file’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

AGM 2020 Notice & 2019 Minutes

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Members of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West will take place at 5.30 p.m. on Thursday,  March 19th, 2020 at 5:30 p.m via tele- conference system (details below) to transact the following Business:

  1. Call to order
  2. Adoption of agenda
  3. President’s report
  4. Executive Director’s report
  5. Approval of Financial Statements as of December 31st, 2019
  6. Appointment of auditor
  7. Election Procedure for Partial Renewal of Board of Directors
    1. Appointment of Election Chair
    2. Adoption of election rules (see attached)
    3. Nominations for directors
    4. Election of Scrutineers, if ballot is required
    5. Ballot, if required
    6. Ballot Count
    7. Introduction of new members of Board of Directors
    8. Destruction of Ballots.
  8. Other business
  9. Adjournment


Please note that the AGM will be preceded by the Board of Directors Meeting at 5:00pm. 

Instructions to Join 2020 E-AGM

With the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak occurring, we will be hosting the AGM via tele- conference system. Below are the links for the AGM to be hosted on Zoom. 

You can either: 

  • Download Zoom App on your phone or laptop and then connect at the link below 
  • Dial in via telephone as indicated below.  

Join Zoom Meeting via Zoom App

[button size=” style=” text=’Download Zoom App and Join’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’ ‘ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]

Meeting ID: 476 425 526 
Password: 672328 

Dial In to the Meeting

Telephone: +1 778 907 2071 CANADA (Vancouver) 

Meeting ID: 476 425 526 


Proxy Form

[button size=” style=” text=’Proxy Form’ icon=’fa-download’ icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]
Please note that the link to the teleconference will be active starting at 5.00PM, as we will be hosting the Board meeting previous to the AGM. 

If you are not able to join the conference, please fill out this Form of Proxy and return it by email to


Need Assistance?

For any issues please text our Executive Director, Ilaria at 604 345 7405.

Kindly refer to the below documents for more information:


[button size=” style=” text=’Click here for the 2019 AGM Minutes’ icon=” icon_color=” link=’’ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]


FOOD AS AN ART FORM – Deadline January 27 – Emilia-Romagna in Canada

Opportunities for food importers in Western Canada and for food manufacturer based in Emilia Romagna Region


“Food as an art form” sponsors promotional activities and participation to tradeshows  (Cibus and Sial Montreal) both for Italian food companies already represented in Canada (Quebec, BC, Alberta) and for companies looking for an importer.If you are an importer in Western Canada and represents one or more companies from the Emilia Romagna region, you may want to contact your supplier and recommend they apply to this grant.January 27th is the last day to apply to the project.

For more information about the project please contact or 604 682 1410.

About the Project


Unioncamere and the Chambers of Commerce of Emilia-Romagna will carry out a project in 2020 to support the internationalization in Canada (Province of Québec and Province of British Columbia) for the Emilia-Romagna agri-food sector.

The Project is co-financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region under the Call for the granting of contributions to projects to promote the regional production system on European and non-European markets 2019-2020 – 6th year.

The Project is intended for companies in the agro-food sector – with registered office or operating unit in Emilia-Romagna – already present in Canada with its own importer or not yet present on the Canadian market. A particular focus will be on productions obtained from organic agriculture, products for celiacs, vegan products and dairy / dairy products.

The Canadian organic products market – linked to consumer interest for healthier food products – is estimated at 4.4 billion Canadian dollars (2.6% of the food market), with a growth of 60% compared to 2010 with the province of Québec having the highest growth, with an increase of 85% between 2010 and 2017.

The project objectives are set out for the two target categories of the beneficiary companies:

  • Target 1 companies not yet present on the Canadian market (Provinces Québec and / or British Columbia): facilitating access to the market;
  • Target 2 companies already present on the Canadian market ( Provinces Quebec and / or British Columbia): facilitate market rooting through the HO.RE.CA. channel and / or Retail.


The flat-rate participation fee for each company is € 2,000.00 plus VAT, net of the contribution of the Emilia-Romagna chamber system and the Emilia-Romagna Region. Travel and accommodation costs in Canada are excluded from the participation fee, which therefore remain the responsibility of the participating company.


The deadline for collecting adhesions is set for January 27, 2020.

[button size=” style=” text=’Learn More & Apply’ icon=’fa-files-o’ icon_color=” link=’′ target=’_blank’ color=” hover_color=” border_color=” hover_border_color=” background_color=” hover_background_color=” font_style=” font_weight=” text_align=” margin=”]


The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada-West would like to thank travel agents and tour operators who joined us at the WINE AND TRAVEL ITALY PRESENTS CALABRIA on Friday, Nov 29th, 2019, featuring experiential tourism in Calabria.

We really hope you had fun, enjoyed the premium authentic Italian fine dining, and that the event increased your knowledge and understanding of the beautiful Italian region of Calabria and the numerous hidden treasures waiting to be discovered throughout the region!

To view the travel packages designed to explore Calabria, visit Wine and Travel Italy today :


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Looking forward to meeting you again at our upcoming event [eo_events event_start_after=”now”  numberposts=”1″ ]


Calabria Tourism Event


The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West, in collaboration with Vacanza Destinations and Wine and Travel Italy organized a lunch presentation of the new itineraries focused on the beautiful Italian region of Calabria exclusive to travel agents and tour operators.The event was held on Friday November 29th 2019 at the prestigeous Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill.

Event Speakers:

  • Ilaria BaldanItalian Chamber of Commerce in Canada – West
  • Inga LavalléeWine and Travel Italy
  • Terri CalligaroVacanza Destinations
  • Pino Posteraro, Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill

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